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  Psychology 473 - HIV/AIDS/TB/STDs 

Credits: 2 cr.

Website:  http://www.class.uidaho.edu/psyc473

Course Description:  This course is designed to provide you with an overview of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), Tuberculosis (TB), Hepatitis and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).  In addition, this course is designed to assist you to in examining issues related to human sexuality, and biases about sexually related topics and lifestyles.  Finally, you will be exposed to information related to high-risk behavior. 


82.              Promote clients knowledge, skills and attitudes consistent with the maintenance of health and the prevention of HIV/AIDS, TB, STDs and other communicable diseases.

106.              Understand and describe the health and behavioral problems related to substance use disorders including the transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS, TB, STDs and other infectious diseases.

Other objectives:


Show how the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS has changed across population groups throughout the world.


Assist in examining issues related to biases about human sexuality, biases about sexually related topics, and information related to lifestyles.


Assist in identifying biases and fears counselors may have when working with clients engaging in high-risk behaviors.

Course Requirements:  There will be several requirements for this course.

Reaction Papers:  You will be required to complete several brief papers related to topics will you will encounter throughout the course.  All papers are to be computer or type written. 

Other Papers:  You will also be required to complete several other papers (1-2 pages) related to topics you will encounter.  All papers are to be computer or type written.

Movie Reaction Papers: You will be required to rent or purchase two movies that contains material related to individuals with HIV, AIDS, or other highly communicable diseases that are often fatal.  An example might be Philadelphia.  After watching each movie, you will be required to write a reaction paper 2-3 pages (Typed, Double Spaced) related to your feelings about the movie, and your feelings about the sexual issues/lifestyles/others that were related to the topics in the movie.  The point of this topic is to make you examine YOUR concept of sexuality and sexual lifestyles, and identity concepts that make you feel uneasy.

Term Paper: You will be required to write a term paper on a sexually transmitted disease or sexual issue of your choice.  You must use at least 10 references from journal articles or books.  Popular press (e.g., Time, Scientific American, Newspapers, etc) and Non-Governmental web sites will not count toward your total.  You can use a maximum of 4 web sites in your count.

Take Home Exam:  You will be given several take-home exams to examine and develop your knowledge of the material.  These will be open book, open note, open person exams.  That is, you can use any information you wish to help you.