
Ancient Cities


Bernier, Ronald M. The Nepalese Pagoda: Origin and Style. New Delhi: S. Chand and Company Ltd., 1979.

This book is a detailed study of the pagoda style. It provides information about shape, construction, origin of Nepalese pagoda style and some comparative study of Nepalese architecture with Indian architecture.

Bussagli, Mario. Oriental Architecture: History of World Architecture. Translated by John Shapely. New York: Harry N. Abrams Inc., 1974.

This book is mainly about the oriental architecture. Nepalese architecture is discussed in a small chapter, which is quite informative.

Finlay, Hugh. Nepal. 2nd ed. London: Lonely Planet Publications, 1999.

This is a travel guidebook. It provides the general information about the geography, cities, people, and culture of Nepal.

Hosken, Fran P. Kathmandu Valley Towns: A Record of Life and Changes. New York: John Weatherhill Inc., 1974.

This book is about the people, lifestyle and places in Kathmandu Valley. A lot of plates provided in the books make it very easy to visualize the place but there is not much written explanations.

Hutt, Michael. Nepal: A Guide to The Art and Architecture of The Kathmandu Valley. Boston: Shambhala, 1995.

This book is good to get an overall view of Nepalese architecture in Kathmandu valley.

Moran, Kerry. Nepal: Handbook. 3rd ed. Emeryville, CA: Avalon Travel Publishers, 1996.

This is also a travel guidebook. It gives general information about the geography, people, places and lifestyle in Nepal.

Rosa, Leo E. and Scholz, John T. Nepal: Profile of a Himalayan Kingdom. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1980.

Slusser, Mary S. Nepal Mandala: Cultural Study of The Kathmandu Valley, vol. 1 and 2, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1982.

This may be one of the best books we have to learn about Nepal. It has elaborate detail about the history, people, temples, and religion of Nepal along with photographs; however, the book is not from the architectural point of view.

Tiwari, Sudarshan Raj. The Tiered Temples of Nepal. 2nd ed. Kathmandu: Sunita Tiwari, 1989.

This book provides a detailed history, origin and the development of Nepalese Pagoda. It provides a detail study on pagoda style development on some temples in Kathmandu Valley.

Wiesner, Ulrich. Nepalese Temple Architecture: Its Characteristics and Its Relation to Indian Development. Leiden, Netherlands, 1978.

Wolfgang, Korn: Traditional Architecture of The Kathmandu Valley. Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Publishers, 1989.

This is a good book for the architectural study of Nepal. It provides detailed study of different building types of ancient Nepal.


Basnet, Shan Bahadur and Niraula, Raj Kumar. “Nepalese architecture.” The Kathmandu Post, (June 2001)


The Kathmandu Valley

This site, from the work of Dr. J. McKim Malville at University of Colorado,  provides general information about some of the temples in Kathmandu Valley.


Good site for information about the geography of Nepal

The Changing Townscapes of the Kathmandu Valley

This is one of the good sites about the information on Nepalese monuments. There are many articals which describe the history and the architecture of the monuments.

A Report on Nepalese Architecture

Students of architecture from a university in Kathmandu create this site. It provides detailed study of some architectural monuments of Kathmandu Valley.

A Guide to Travel and Tours in Nepal

This is Basically a travel guide site, but we can get some general information about Nepal and its history and culture.

Lonely planet world guide on line: Destination Nepal.

this site provides a lot of generalized information about Nepal.

Nepal slide show

This site not about Nepal or the architecture. But a lot of photographs of Nepal are there on the web, which are very interesting and informative.

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