Hyde Park Eatery

Arch 580

British Green Architecture Seminar

Spring 2022

Assignment: Discoveries Workshops

Workshop 1. Green Cities/London Discoveries 

Objective: Integrate your readings to-date, your presentations to-date, and the Green Cities Checklist with an assigned London Discovery Exercise using three categories from the checklist.

Presentation: Limit it to 8 minutes to leave time for discussion!

Format: We’ll all meet via ZOOM for the workshops. Three-person teams will each be assigned a London Discovery. The teams will meet in breakout rooms for 30 minutes to discuss and prepare a short presentation on their discovery. Evaluate the discoveries in terms of the Green Cities Checklist. Each discovery has been assigned a primary category, e.g., Discovery 1: CLTs in the UK—Energy/Carbon, but each also has secondary and tertiary categories that should be identified and included in your analysis. Teams are expected to meet during the week prior to class to coordinate their efforts.

When the breakout sessions end, each student team shall present their assigned discovery exercise to the whole class via no more than 10 images on Mural (580sp2022). This presentation should include annotated images that show where the discovery sites are as well as analytic slides of the discovery sites (Street View on Google Earth or Google Maps would be helpful). Discuss what you discovered from this workshop that contributes to London's green urbanism. 

Please upload your presentations as optimized Adobe pdf slide shows (export from PowerPoint)—limited to 10 slides—to the course Google Drive folder after the presentation. They will be available to course members while in London as well as before and after the summer course. 

Cite sources for all images and for all information included in your presentation. Do NOT simply read the text to your colleagues.

Workshop 2. Adding Seeing the Better City and Walkable City Rules

Objective: Overlay your work from Workshop 1 with insights from your readings and from Chuck Wolfe’s guest lecture.

Presentation: Limit your revised presentation to 8 minutes to leave time for discussion!

Reading Assignments (by March 10)

·       Seeing the Better City, pp 59–88 

·       Walkable City Rules, rules 8, 19, 24, 29,30, 37, 54, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 73, 74, 78, 80, 82, 86, 88, 89, 93, 94, 96

Format: Thirty-minute ZOOM presentation by Chuck Wolfe, author, Seeing the Better City and Urbanism without Effort.


Teams will use the breakout rooms for 20 minutes to add insights from their readings, the previous week's discussions, and Chuck's presentation to their Murals. After the breakouts, each team will make a short presentation of the insights added and why they are important to your better understanding. After the class, students are encouraged to use Mural to comment on the work of others. We’ll look at the results via Mural on March 24.


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UK Lodging UK Trains London Transit
UK Syllabus UK Schedule Discoveries
Cultural Venues Teams 2022 Past Courses