Module 11.2: Individual Activity

During this module you have two choices:

1. Visit the following National Public Radio website. This link takes you to the archives that include (Fall 2000) interviews from various managers about the topic of leadership (Matthew McGann, Sydney Pollack, Roy Williams, Carol Bellamy, and Jeff Bezos). Listen to any two of these interviews. What are specific connections between the statements of these managers about leadership and the leadership concepts described in your textbook?


2. Visit the following Runners World website. This link takes you to an article about General David Petraeus. At the time of this article (December 2007) Petraeus was the head of operations in Iraq. As of October 31, 2008, he is now in charge of U.S. operations in the Middle-East and large parts of Asia (includes: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran). What are specific connections between the statements and actions of Petraeus and the leadership concepts described in your textbook?


You do not need to submit anything written for these Individual Activities.  These activities are designed for you to obtain information and insight on your own personal characteristics and to provide an opportunity for you to think about how material from your readings applies in different situations.  NOTE: You may be asked to apply or discuss the information from these Individual Activities in quizzes or exams. 



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