Module 9.1: Individual Activity

Motivation Theories In Action:

Revisit the theories of learning and motivation described in the textbook (i.e., pages 77-80, Chapter 8 and Chapter 10) and described in the Module 8.2 lecture.

Notice in the assigned Wall Street Journal article there are four basic sections:

  • The Customer

  • The Manager

  • The Employee

  • Resolving the Tensions


Using the customer, employee, and resolving tensions sections of the article perform the following tasks:

  1. Identify the biggest concern of customers who lodge a service complaint. Which theory of motivation does the best job of explaining their motivation to file a complaint? Explain.

  2. Use the language and logic of the Job Characteristics Model to explain the job satisfaction of frontline service employees.

  3. In the resolving tensions section, explain why Singapore Airlines might actually work to motivate employees to do a good job of handling customer complaints? Use Herzberg's theory and McClelland's theory to make your case.

  4. In the resolving tensions section, explain why the last two recommendations (i.e., collect data. . . and use meaningful measures. . .) might actually work to motivate employees to do a good job handling customer complaints? Use Goal Setting and MBO logic (see page 79 in the textbook).


You do not need to submit anything written for these Individual Activities.  These activities are designed for you to obtain information and insight on your own personal characteristics and to provide an opportunity for you to think about how material from your readings applies in different situations.  NOTE: You may be asked to apply or discuss the information from these Individual Activities in quizzes or exams. 



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