Module 14.2: Exam #3


A mix of Multiple Choice and Short-Answer Essay. The format will look very much like the first exam format

Materials Covered:

  • Chapters 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 14.

  • PowerPoint/Lectures for Modules 10.1 through 14.2

  • Individual Activities for Modules 10.1 through 14.2

  • Assigned articles on Wal-Mart (Module 10.1)


When reviewing the chapters in the textbook consider the following suggestions:

Chapter 7 –Managing Change, Stress, and Innovation

  • Understand and be able to discuss the basic change process.

  • What are internal and external forces that drive change within organizations?

  • What are the factors that inhibit an organization from changing?  What are some of the reasons why individuals resist change?

  • Your text offers two perspectives on how to view the change process: the “calm-waters” metaphor and the “white-water rapids” metaphor.  How do these two views differ? 

  • How does the classic process model by Kurt Lewin – that is, the unfreezing-change-refreezing model relate to either the calm-waters or the white-water rapids ideas introduced in your text?

  • Understand why people resist change and the different techniques for reducing resistance to change.

  • What did the study by Coch and French find about managing resistance?

  • Your chapter concludes with a section on innovation, which is related to organizational change.  How can managers encourage innovation within their organization?


We will not hold you responsible for

·        the section on organizational development

·        the section on stress

 Chapter 9 – Understanding Work Teams

·        Teams are not automatically productive. Understand the stages that teams go through as they develop, the characteristics of high performance teams, and how a manager might reinvigorate a mature team.

·        How is a work group different from a work team? What types of work teams are needed in organizations? When is each type appropriate?

·        Be able to discuss and apply the various roles that team members play.

·        What is the value of virtual teams?


We will not hold you responsible for

·        the section on why entrepreneurs use teams

·        the section on contemporary team issues 

Chapter 11 – Leadership and Trust

·        Over the decades, three approaches to studying leadership have emerged:

o       Looking for leadership traits

o       Looking for behaviors which define effective leaders

o       Looking for situational factors which determine appropriate leader style

·        What are some of the key leadership traits that have been found to be common in most individuals who rise to leadership positions?

·        Three leadership behaviors focused upon in early research are Autocratic, Participative, and Laissez-faire.  What has research shown about these three leadership behaviors?  Based on this research, which behavioral style should a leader focus upon?  Why?  What does it depend upon?

·        The Ohio-State studies found two key behaviors manifested by leaders: consideration and initiating structure.  What does this mean?  This work was expanded later into The Managerial Grid.  The net result of this early behavioral work was that there is no One Best Style of leadership….that it depends upon the situation.  Thus, research moved towards Contingency Theories of Leadership.

·        Of the different Contingency Theories of Leadership, you should understand and be able to apply the following:

o       Path-Goal Theory

o       Hersey-Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory

o       Vroom & Yetton’s Leader-Participation model.

·        Understand the emerging approaches to leadership as discussed in your text.

o       What is Charismatic leadership?  How is it different from visionary leadership?

o       How do transactional leaders differ from transformational leaders?

·        Be familiar with the issues brought out in the section on contemporary leadership.

o       What special issues are involved in team leadership?  What are the different roles these team leaders must play?  Are all team members suited to this leadership position?

o       What does your text have to say about a fairly new concept in leadership research – that of emotional intelligence.

·        Lastly, pay attention to the last section on trust, which is clearly related to effective leadership. 

o       If you were interested in making sure others saw you as trustworthy, what five factors would you focus upon (i.e., the five dimensions of trust)?

o       Your text identifies three types of trust (e.g., deterrence-based, etc).  How are these different?  What implications does each have for an organization?


We will not hold you responsible for Fiedler’s LPC theory of leadership

Chapter 12 – Communication and Interpersonal Skills

·        Be sure you understand the basic communication process model discussed at the beginning of this chapter (exhibit 12-1).

·        Could you identify different barriers to communication in a given scenario?

·        Be able to apply different techniques for overcoming these communication barriers.

·        What advice could you give to a manager interested in improving his feedback skills?

·        What about advice for this manager who is interested in improving his delegation skills?

·        What types of factors should be considered when deciding whether to delegate or not to your employees?

·        Be able to contrast the traditional, human relations, and interactionist view of conflict.

o       Could you identify and/or apply different conflict resolution styles in a given scenario?

o       Why would a manager want to increase conflict?  How could he/she do this?

·        Lastly, be able to discuss the issue of negotiation.

o       How does integrative bargaining differ from distributive bargaining?

o       How could you improve your negotiation skills?


We will not hold you responsible for:

  • the section on networked communication through knowledge management
  • the section on Active Listening
  • the section on Effective Presentations

Chapter 13 – Foundations of Control

·        Be sure you understand the definition of the term control when used as a managerial function, the types of control systems and their characteristics.

·        What are four common sources of information frequently used to measure actual performance and what are their various advantages and disadvantages?

·        What are the three types of control, what are some examples or each, and when are they useful?

·        What types of contingency factors will affect the design of an organization’s control system?


We will not hold you responsible for:

  • the section on Sarbanes-Oxley.
  • The section on entrepreneurs (with the exception of the boiled frog phenomenon)

Chapter 14 – Operations Management

·     Understand the definition of the term operations management and how resources are transformed into goods and services.

·    What is Value Chain Management (VCM)? What are the goals of VCM and what role does it play in the transformation process?

·    Understand the obstacles ro VCM and the role that technology plays in overcoming the obstacles.

·     Revisit page 249 to see how organizations use teams to search for ways to improve processes; revisit page 89 to see how companies use benchmarking as a way to identify practices that add value; and revisit pages 64 and 65 to see how continuous improvement and work process engineering are activities that focus on improving the transformation process?


We will not hold you responsible for:

  • the section on project management.






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