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Emeriti Faculty

Charles A. Staben, President; Katherine G. Aiken, Interim Provost; Patricia Hartzell, Chair of the Faculty Senate (2013-14); Gail Eckwright, Secretary of the Faculty.

ABLES, Ernest D.; 1973-1996; Professor Emeritus of Wildlife Resources.

ABRAHAM, Terry P.; 1984-2005; Head Emeritus, Department of Special Collections and Archives in the University Library, with rank of Professor.

ADAMS, David L.; 1971-1998; Professor Emeritus of Forest Resources.

ADAMS, Douglas Q.; 1972-2010; Professor Emeritus of English.

ADELE, Gail H.; 1974-2003; Professor Emerita of Mathematics.

ALLDAFFER, Robert C.; 1955-1983; Extension Professor Emeritus.

ANDEREGG, Doyle E.; 1967-1999; Professor of Biology and Associate Dean Emeritus.

ANDERSON, Bruce C.; 1978-2005; Professor Emeritus of Pathology.

ANDERSON, Clifton E.; 1972-1997; Extension Professor of Agricultural Information.

ARAJI, Ahmed; 1968-2011; Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics.

BAIRD, Dennis W.; 1974-2007; Social Science Librarian Emeritus with rank of Professor.

BALDRIDGE, Donald C.; 1969-1987; Professor Emeritus of History.

BALDRIDGE, Jo A.; 1972-1991; Associate Registrar Emerita.

BARBER, David S.; 1968-2005; Professor of English and Department Chair Emeritus.

BARBUT, Erol; 1967-1999; Professor Emeritus of Mathematics.

BARTON, Elbert M.; 1960-1981; Professor of Naval Science and Director of Personnel Services Emeritus.

BATTAGLIA, Richard A.; 1991-2010; Professor Emeritus of Animal Science.

BEESON, Richard W.; 1972-1994; Professor Emeritus of Sociology.

BELL, Thomas O.; 1966-1994; Professor of Education and Provost Emeritus.

BELT, George H. Jr.; 1965-1998; Professor Emeritus of Forest Resources.

BENNETT, David H.; 1975-2003; Professor Emeritus of Fishery Resources.

BENNETT, Earl H. II; 1977-2003; Professor of Geology and Dean Emeritus.

BIALOSTOCKI, Arie; 1984-2011; Professor Emeritus of Mathematics.

BIKKIE, James A.; 1973-1995; Professor Emeritus of Vocational Teacher Education.

BILLER, Ernest F.; 1991-2012; Professor Emeritus of Adult, Career, and Technology Education.

BISCHOFF, Marilyn C.; 1980-2012; Extension Professor Emerita.

BIZEAU, Elwood G.; 1967-1985; Professor Emeritus of Wildlife Resources.

BLACK, James L.; 1966-1984; Professor Emeritus of Adult Education.

BLANTON, Paul L.; 1958-1990; Professor of Architecture and Dean Emeritus.

BLOOMSBURG, George L.; 1961-1992; Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Engineering.

BOBECK, Gene E.; 1967-1995; Professor Emeritus of Metallurgy.

BOHL, Williams H.; 1990-2014; Extension Professor Emeritus.

BOLZ, Darrell G.; 1971-1999; Extension Professor Emeritus.

BOWLER, William B. Jr.; 1978-2006; Professor Emeritus of Architecture.

BRAMWELL, Keith A.; 1979-2002; Extension Professor Emeritus.

BRANDAL, Willy; 1980-2006; Professor Emeritus of Mathematics.

BRANEN, A. Larry; 1983-2010; Professor of Food Science and Associate Vice President of Northern Idaho Emeritus.

BRANEN, Laurel J.; 1990-2012; Professor Emerita of Family and Consumer Sciences.

BRANNON, Ernest L.; 1988-2002; Professor Emeritus of Fishery Resources and Animal Science.

BRECKENRIDGE, Roy M.; 1978-2013; Professor Emeritus of Geology.

BRIDGES, George; 1985-2001; Professor Emeritus of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

BROCKWAY, Charles E.; 1965-1998; Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Engineering and Civil Engineering.

BULL, Richard C.; 1967-1979; Professor Emeritus of Animal Science.

BUNTING, Stephen C.; 1978-2014; Professor Emeritus of Forest and Fire Ecology.

BURCAW, G. Ellis; 1966-1988; Professor Emeritus of Anthropology.

BUSH, John H. Jr.; 1974-2002; Professor Emeritus of Geology.

CALNON, Mark B.; 1945-1973; Extension Professor Emeritus.

CALVERT, James E. Jr.; 1967-2001; Professor of Mathematics and Department Chair Emeritus.

CAMPBELL, Howard E.; 1963-1981; Professor Emeritus of Mathematics.

CANNEY, George F.; 1978-2007; Professor Emeritus of Education.

CARLSON, John E.; 1970-1999; Professor Emeritus of Rural Sociology.

CARPENTER, Gene P.; 1966-1997; Research and Extension Professor Emeritus of Entomology.

CARVER, Robert D.; 1991-2001; Extension Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics.

CASSETTO, James M.; 1976-2006; Professor Emeritus of Industrial Technology Education.

CAUDILLO, Jess D.; 1978-2003; Professor Emeritus of Recreation.

CHAMBERLAIN, Valerie E.; 1986-2003; Professor Emerita of Geochemistry.

CHAN, Samuel S. M.; 1963-1989; Professor Emeritus of Mining Engineering.

CHANG, (Karl)Kang-Tsung; 1986-2005; Professor Emeritus of Geography and Cartography.

CHAPMAN, Frederick L.; 1977-1993; Professor Emeritus of Theatre Arts.

CHAVEZ, Edmund M.; 1951-1987; Professor of Communication and Manager of W. H. Kibbie/ASUI Activity Center Emeritus.

CHELDELIN, Kathleen C.; 1982-2002; Extension Professor Emerita.

CHRISTENSON, Charles O.; 1964-1999; Professor Emeritus of Mathematics.

CHRYSLER, Russell L.; 1959-1974; Professor of Marketing and Department Chair Emeritus.

COBB, John I.; 1969-2009; Professor Emeritus of Mathematics.

COCHRAN, Ruth; 1990-2005; Reference Librarian Emerita with rank of Assistant Professor.

COFFMAN, Richard B.; 1978-2010; Professor Emeritus of Economics.

COLE, J. Roger; 1976-2013; Professor Emeritus of Music.

COLSON, Dennis C.; 1975-2007; Professor Emeritus of Law.

COLT, W. Michael; 1979-2002; Extension Professor Emeritus of Horticulture.

CONDITT, Paul C.; 1961-1994; Gifts Librarian Emeritus with rank of Professor.

COOK, Wilbur F.; 1980-2006; Extension Professor Emeritus.

COOLEY, James H.; 1957-1992; Professor Emeritus of Chemistry.

COOMBS, Don. H.; 1973-1998; Professor Emeritus of Communication.

COSTELLO, Patrick D.; 1999-2013; Professor Emeritus of Law.

CRAWFORD, Donald L.; 1976-2006; Professor Emeritus of Microbiology.

CRAWFORD, Ronald L.; 1987-2010; Professor of Microbiology, Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Director of the Environmental Biotechnology Institute Emeritus.

CROSS, Virgil S.; 1940-1967; Extension Professor Emeritus.

CROWLEY, Donald W.; 1983-2013; Professor Emeritus of Political Science.

CURTIS, Mary Lee; 1984-2003; Extension Professor Emerita.

CZUCHAJOWSKI, Leszek; 1986-2005; Professor Emeritus of Chemistry.

DACEY, Jill A.; 1984-2010; Professor Emerita of Art and Design.

DAHL, Becky L.; 1971-2002; Extension Professor Emerita.

DAHMEN, Jerome J.; 1947-1985; Professor Emeritus of Animal Science.

DALLIMORE, Clarence E.; 1955-1983; Extension Professor Emeritus.

DANGERFIELD, Byron J.; 1981-2006; Professor Emeritus of Management Information Systems and Dean Emeritus.

DAVIS, Jack L.; 1967-1992; Professor Emeritus of English.

DAVIS, James R.; 1968-1999; Research Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology.

DAVIS, John C.; 1993-2014; Professor Emeritus of Teacher Education.

DAVIS, Karen R.; 1969-1987; Research Professor Emerita of Home Economics Research.

DAVIS, Raynold D.; 1961-1989; Extension Professor Emeritus of Agriculture.

DAVIS, Richard C.; 1987-2002; Manuscripts-Archives Librarian Emeritus with rank of Professor.

DAWSON, Jack L.; 1982-2008; Professor Emeritus of Education and Dean Emeritus.

DEAN, Leslie L.; 1950-1975; Research Professor Emeritus of Plant Science.

DELKA, Gary G.; 1990-2004; Professor Emeritus of Educational Administration.

DEMUTH, Howard B.; 1985-1997; Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering.

DEN BRAVEN, Karen R.; 1987-2014; Professor Emerita of Mechanical Engineering and Director Emerita of NIATT.

DESANTIS, Mark E.; 1978-2007; Professor Emeritus of Zoology.

DESHAZER, James A.; 1991-2001; Professor of Agricultural Engineering and Department Head Emeritus.

DEUTCHMAN, Philip A.; 1968-2002; Professor Emeritus of Physics.

DIERKER, Paul F.; 1966-1998; Professor Emeritus of Mathematics.

DINOTO, Michael J.; 1970-2003; Professor Emeritus of Economics.

DOERANN, Judith; 1975-1998; Professor Emerita of Educational Administration and of Statistics.

DOWDING, Edwin A.; 1975-1999; Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Engineering.

DOZIER, Richard J.; 1971-2002; Professor Emeritus of English.

DUNHAM, Charles S.; 1959-1989; Extension Professor Emeritus of Agriculture.

DUNNAM, Anthony K.; 1979-1998; Professor Emeritus of Computer Science.

DUPREE, Mary H.; 1971-2008; Professor Emeritus of Music.

DUREN, Edward P.; 1960-1998; Extension Professor Emeritus of Animal Science.

DWELLE, Robert B.; 1976-2003; Research Professor Emeritus of Plant Physiology.

DYER, Ruth G.; 1964-1982; Extension Professor Emerita.

ECKWRIGHT, Gail Z.; 1978-2014; Librarian Emerita with rank of Professor.

EDER, Sid; 1984-1998; Professor of Education and Director of Summer Programs and Extended Learning Emeritus.

EDMISON, Glenn A.; 1984-1998; Professor Emeritus of Adult, Counselor, and Technology Education.

EDMISTON, Fred L.; 1967-1998; Extension Professor Emeritus.

EDWARDS, Louis, L.; 1961-2012; Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering.

EHRENREICH, John H.; 1971-1999; Professor Emeritus of International Forest and Range Resources.

EROSCHENKO, Victor P.; 1973-2003; Professor Emeritus of Zoology.

EVERSON, Dale O.; 1962-1996; Professor Emeritus of Statistics.

EXON, Jerry H.; 1984-2007; Professor Emeritus of Food Science and Toxicology and Department Head Emeritus.

FAIRCHILD, Thomas N.; 1974-2007; Professor Emeritus of Counseling and School Psychology.

FALK, Dean E.; 1974-2002; Extension Professor Emeritus.

FALK, Dennis G.; 1974-2007; Professor Emeritus of Animal Science.

FALTER, C. Michael; 1969-2002; Professor Emeritus of Fishery Resources.

FARLEY, Melvin W.; 1953-1980; Professor of Education and Director of Clinical Experiences in Teacher Education Emeritus.

FASOLINO, Rosario P.; 1977-1986; Professor of Architecture and Department Chair Emeritus.

FAZIO, James R.; 1974-2010; Professor Emeritus of Conservation Social Sciences.

FEELEY, Joseph J.; 1983-2004; Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering.

FIEZ, Edward A.; 1970-1999; Extension Professor Emeritus of Animal Science.

FINS, Lauren; 1979-2012; Professor Emerita of Forest Genetics.

FITZSIMMONS, Delbert W.; 1959-1991; Professor of Agricultural Engineering and Department Chair Emeritus.

FLETCHER, Janice W.; 1979-2012; Professor Emerita of Family and Consumer Sciences.

FLETCHER, Max E.; 1958-1984; Professor of Economics and Department Head Emeritus.

FORBES, Rose L.; 1965-1999; Professor Emerita of Family and Consumer Sciences.

FORCE, Ronald W.; 1982-2006; Dean Emeritus of Library Services with rank of Professor.

FORIYES, Tina; 1967-2002; Professor Emerita of English.

FORSTER, Robert L; 1975-2002; Extension Professor Emeritus.

FOSBERG, Maynard A.; 1949-1989; Professor Emeritus of Soil Science and Soil Morphology.

FRANKLIN, Neil E.; 1978-2004; Professor Emeritus of Law.

FREDERIKSEN, Kenneth R.; 1951-1984; Professor Emeritus of Animal Science.

FRITZ, Marlene A; 1980-2010; Extension Professor Emerita.

FROES, Francis H.; 1989-2007; Professor Emeritus of Material Science and Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering and Department Chair Emeritus.

GALLIAN, John J.; 1979-2007; Extension Professor Emeritus of Crop Management and Sugar Beet Specialist.

GARDNER, George F.; 1965-1995; Extension Professor Emeritus.

GARDNER, Max A.; 1961-1999; Extension Professor Emeritus.

GARRARD, Richard M; 1979-2010; Extension Professor Emeritus.

GARTON, Edward O.; 1977-2011; Professor Emeritus of Wildlife Resources.

GEIGER, Joseph J.; 1988-2006; Professor Emeritus of Business and Department Chair Emeritus.

GENTRY, N. Dale; 1977-2002; Professor of Special Education and Dean Emeritus.

GEORGE, Kathryn Paxton; 1989-2005; Professor Emerita of Philosophy.

GHAZANFAR, Shaikh M.; 1968-2002; Professor of Economics and Department Chair Emeritus.

GIBSON, Chad C.; 1968-1999; Extension Professor Emeritus.

GIBSON, Gene W.; 1966-2002; Extension Professor Emeritus.

GIER, Nicholas F.; 1972-2003; Professor Emeritus of Philosophy.

GILLIS, Candida; 1987-2009; Professor Emerita of English.

GORDON, Teresa P.; 1986-2011; Professor Emerita of Accounting.

GORTSEMA, Stanley R.; 1976-2010; Extension Professor Emeritus.

GREEVER, Barbara C.; 1988-2012; Librarian Emerita with rank of Professor.

GRIEB, Merland W.; 1956-1984; Professor Emeritus of Chemistry.

GRIFFITHS, Peter R.; 1989-2008; Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and Department Chair Emeritus.

GUENTHNER, Harold R.; 1976-1997; Extension Professor Emeritus.

GUENTHNER, Joseph F.; 1980-2013; Extension Professor Emeritus.

GUILFOYLE, Karen; 1989-2010; Professor Emerita of Education.

HAAGENSEN, H. Lynne; 1976-2014; Professor Emerita of Art and Design.

HABER, Donald F.; 1969-1999; Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering and Statistics.

HACKMANN, Wm. Kent; 1967-1999; Professor of History and Secretary of the Faculty Emeritus.

HAGGART, Peter A.; 1963-1995; Professor of Communication and Director and Secretary of the Faculty Emeritus.

HAHN, Richard R.; 1967-1999; Professor of Music and Director Emeritus.

HALDERSON, James L.; 1977-1995; Research Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Engineering.

HALL, William B.; 1965-1991; Professor Emeritus of Geology.

HALLAQ, John H.; 1970-1995; Professor Emeritus of Business.

HAMILTON, George; 1968-2002; Extension Professor Emeritus.

HAMILTON, Joel R.; 1970-2002; Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics and Statistics.

HAMPTON, Carol D.; 1999-2014; Extension Professor Emerita.

HANSON, D. Jay; 1968-2001; Extension Professor Emeritus.

HANSON, Donna M.; 1981-2001; Science Librarian Emerita.

HARDCASTLE, Peggy J.; 1968-2000; Professor Emerita of Family and Consumer Science.

HARDING, Gale W.; 1974-2010; Extension Professor Emerita.

HASKO, John J.; 1997-2014; Professor Emeritus of Law and Director Emeritus of the Law Library.

HATCH, Charles R.; 1973-2007; Professor Emeritus of Forest Resources and Vice President Emeritus.

HATHAWAY, Cecil W.; 1955-1991; Professor Civil Engineering and Director of Engineering Outreach Emeritus.

HAUTALA, Robert; 1983-1999; Professor of Mining Engineering and Associate Dean Emeritus.

HAWKINS, James N.; 1970-2008; Extension Professor Emeritus.

HAYNES, Robert C.; 1955-1979; Extension Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Education and Agricultural Engineering.

HAZEN, William F.; 1970-2006; Extension Professor Emeritus.

HEFFRON, Florence A.; 1974-2004; Professor Emeritus of Political Science.

HEIMSCH, Richard C.; 1972-2006; Professor Emeritus of Microbiology.

HELTON, Audus W.; 1951-1986; Professor Emeritus of Plant Science.

HENDEE, John C.; 1985-2002; Professor Emeritus of Wilderness Management.

HENDERSON, Joann P.; 1975-2005; Professor Emerita of Law.

HENRY, John A.; 1963-1993; Extension Professor Emeritus of Agriculture.

HESS, Thomas F.; 1994-2014; Professor Emeritus of Biological and Agricultural Engineering and Department Head Emeritus.

HILLMAN, Russell G.; 1950-1981; Extension Professor Emeritus.

HINMAN, Dan D.; 1974-2003; Professor Emeritus of Nutrition.

HOAG, Kenneth; 1935-1967; Professor Emeritus of English.

HOLE, Dorothy S.; 1957-1979; Extension Professor Emerita.

HOLUP, John P. Jr.; 1971-1995; Professor Emeritus of Marketing Education.

HOMAN, Hugh W.; 1965-1995; Extension Professor Emeritus of Entomology.

HOOK, Robert D.; 1968-2007; Reference Librarian Emeritus with rank of Professor.

HOPKINS, Ivan C.; 1959-1997; Extension Professor Emeritus.

HOVEY, Bette A.; 1968-1999; Extension Professor Emerita.

HULTSTRAND, Bonnie J.; 1975-1999; Professor Emerita of Physical Education.

HUNGERFORD, Kenneth E.; 1942-1978; Professor Emeritus of Wildlife Resources.

HUNT, Carl W.; 1985-2012; Professor Emeritus of Animal and Veterinary Sciences and Department Head Emeritus.

HUNT, John D.; 1991-1999; Professor Emeritus of Sustainable Tourism.

HUTCHISON, Sharon J.; 1984-2014; Senior Instructor Emerita of Chemistry.

JACOBSEN, Richard T.; 1963-2006; Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering.

JENNESS, Tom E.; 1969-1999; Professor Emeritus of Communication.

JENSEN, Alfred W.; 1969-1999; Professor Emeritus of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

JENSEN, Eric L.; 1976-2009; Professor Emeritus of Sociology.

JOHNSON, Donald R.; 1968-1995; Professor Emeritus of Zoology.

JOHNSON, Frederic D.; 1952-1990; Professor Emeritus of Forest Ecology.

JOHNSON, Kendall L.; 1988-2002; Professor of Range Resources and Department Head Emeritus.

JOHNSON, Leonard R.; 1974-2007; Professor Emeritus of Forest Engineering.

JOHNSON, Maurice E.; 1958-1994; Extension Professor and Adjunct Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences Emeritus.

JOKISAARI, Allan; 1984-2002; Senior Instructor Emeritus of Cartography; Manager, Cart-O-Graphics Lab.

JONAS, Arlene T.; 1971-1987; Professor Emerita of Home Economics.

JONES, James R.; 1975-2003; Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics; Agricultural Economist.

JUNK, Virginia W.; 1986-2008; Professor Emerita of Family and Consumer Sciences.

JUNK, William S.; 1980-2008; Professor Emeritus of Computer Science.

KAUFMAN, Jack J.; 1976-1999; Extension Professor Emeritus of Adult, Counselor, and Technology Education.

KEARNEY, Robert J.; 1964-1998; Professor Emeritus of Physics.

KEELER, Carolyn; 1990-2010; Professor Emerita of Education Administration.

KEENAN, Richard M.; 1980-2003; Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Department Chair Emeritus.

KEETCH, Gordon C.; 1985-2010; Extension Professor Emeritus.

KELLY, Gwendolyn N.; 1972-2001; Professor Emerita of Education.

KELLY, Joseph T.; 1970-1997; Professor Emeritus of Education.

KESSEL, Elizabeth M.; 1965-1987; Professor Emerita of Home Economics.

KIEHN, Shirley O.; 1968-1986; Professor Emerita of Home Economics.

KINDSCHY, Dwight L.; 1947-1977; Professor of Agricultural Education and Department Head Emeritus.

KIRCHMEIER, Robert L; 1987-2005; Research Professor Emeritus of Chemistry.

KLEINKOPF, Gale E.; 1975-2003; Research Professor Emeritus of Plant Physiology.

KLOWDEN, Marc; 1981-2010; Professor Emeritus of Entomology.

KNUDSEN, John W.; 1972-1998; Professor Emeritus of Economics.

KOCHAN, Walter J.; 1955-1987; Professor Emeritus of Plant Physiology/Horticulture.

KOESTER, Edward F.; 1950-1983; Extension Professor Emeritus.

KOHL, Fred E.; 1950-1983; Extension Professor Emeritus.

KORUS, Roger A.; 1978-2008; Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering and Department Chair Emeritus.

KUSKA, James J.; 1973-2002; Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture.

LABAR, George W.; 1995-2004; Professor Emeritus of Fishery Resources.

LAPEYRE, Elisabeth; 1975-1999; Professor Emerita of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

LASKOWSKI, Michael B.; 1988-2009; Professor Emeritus of Physiology.

LASSEY, Marie L.; 1975-1996; Professor Emerita of Sociology.

LATHEN, Calvin W.; 1967-2003; Professor Emeritus of Recreation and Director Emeritus.

LAWROSKI, Mary A.; 1965-1998; Extension Professor Emerita.

LEMMON, E. Clark; 1985-2006; Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering.

LEONARD, Robert R.; 1966-1990; University Physician and Director of the Student Health Service Emeritus.

LEWIS, D. Craig; 1975-2007; Professor Emeritus of Law.

LIDDIL, Audrey C.; 1988-2014; Extension Professor Emerita.

LINCOLN, Stuart D.; 1976-1996; Professor Emeritus of Veterinary Science.

LIU, Chia-Tsang; 1976-1999; Extension Professor Emeritus of Crop Science.

LOGAN, Norman R.; 1947-1977; Professor Emeritus of Music.

LONG, Roger B.; 1966-1997; Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics.

LOTTMAN, Robert P.; 1966-1991; Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering.

LOUCKS, Robert R.; 1967-1999; Extension Professor Emeritus.

LUFT, LeRoy D.; 1989-2001; Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics.

LUSCHNIG, Cecelia E.; 1975-2003; Professor Emerita of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

LYLE, Corinne M.; 1973-1998; Extension Professor Emerita of Rural Sociology.

LYMAN, R. Ashley; 1976-2007; Professor Emeritus of Economics and Statistics.

MACDONALD, James; 1975-2010; Professor Emeritus of Law.

MACHLIS, Gary E.; 1979-2013; Professor Emeritus of Forest Resources.

MACPHEE, Craig; 1957-1981; Professor Emeritus of Fishery Resources.

MAHONEY, Ron; 1983-2010; Extension Professor Emeritus.

MAKI, Gary; 1969-2009; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of CAMBR Emeritus.

MANKIN, J. D.; 1971-1988; Extension Professor Emeritus of Animal Science.

MARLER, Frankie L.; 1974-1999; Extension Professor Emerita.

MARTEN, Dwaine J.; 1964-1994; Professor Emeritus of Physical Education.

MARTIN, Robert G.; 1990-2007; Professor Emeritus of Sociology.

MAUCHLEY, G. Jay; 1978-2009; Professor Emeritus of Music.

MAUCHLEY, Sandra L.; 1970-2003; Professor Emerita of Music.

MCCAFFREY, Joseph P.; 1981-2009; Professor Emeritus of Entomology.

MCCANDLESS, Carol M.; 1955-1990; Extension Professor Emerita of Home Economics.

MCCLURE, Wendy R.; 1987-2014; Professor Emerita of Architecture.

MCCROSKEY, William B.; 1964-1992; Professor Emeritus of Architecture.

MCCURDY, Sandra M.; 1999-2014; Extension Professor Emerita of Family and Consumer Sciences.

MCDOLE, Robert E.; 1969-1990; Extension Professor Emeritus of Soils.

MCKEAN, Thomas A.; 1974-2003; Professor Emeritus of Zoology.

MCKETTA, Charles W.; 1977-2002; Research Professor Emeritus of Forest Resources.

MEAD, Rodney A.; 1968-1999; Professor Emeritus of Zoology.

MEDEMA, E. Lee; 1977-1998; Professor Emeritus of Forest Resources.

MEDSKER, Shirley R.; 1967-1993; Professor Emerita of Home Economics.

MELDRUM, Barbara R.; 1965-1996; Professor Emerita of English.

MENSER, Harry A.; 1980-1987; Research Professor of Horticulture Emeritus & Superintendent of the Sandpoint Research & Extension Center Emeritus.

MERK, Lawrence H.; 1967-2001; Professor of Business and Director Emeritus Center for Business Development and Research.

MICHALSON, Edgar L.; 1969-1995; Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics.

MICHEL, Elinor L.; 1967-2003; Professor Emerita of Education.

MIH, Dora H.; 1972-1996; Reference Librarian Emerita with rank of Professor.

MILES, Paul L.; 1965-1995; Professor Emeritus of Communication.

MILLER, Bruce L.; 1986-2012; Professor Emeritus of Microbiology, Molecular Biology, and Biochemistry.

MILLER, John C.; 1970-2008; Professor Emeritus of Animal Science.

MILLER, Laura J.; 1970-1990; Professor Emerita of Home Economics.

MILLER, Robert W.; 1986-2001; Professor Emeritus of Music.

MILLER, Stanley M.; 1985-2011; Professor Emeritus of Geological Engineering.

MILLER, Stephanie S.; 2001-2012; Professor Emerita of Theatre and Film.

MILLER, Thomas H.; 1983-1999; Professor Emeritus of Computer Science.

MILLIGAN, James H.; 1972-2001; Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering.

MINK, Leland L.; 1978-2002; Professor of Geology and Director, Idaho Water Resources Research Institute Emeritus.

MOHAN, Philip J.; 1971-1999; Professor Emeritus of Psychology.

MOLNAU, Myron P.; 1969-1999; Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Engineering.

MONTGOMERY, Beverly A.; 1969-1999; Extension Professor Emerita.

MOODY, Michael W.; 1972-2006; Professor Emeritus of Foreign Languages and Literatures (Spanish).

MOORE, James A.; 1974-2002; Professor Emeritus of Forest Resources.

MORIN, Bernice M.; 1944-1983; Director of Food Services and Adjunct Professor of Home Economics Emerita.

MORRIS, John (Jack) S.; 1973-2011; Professor Emeritus of Management and Dean Emeritus.

MOWRY, Thomas M.; 1989-2007; Professor Emeritus of Entomology.

MUNDT, John P.; 1985-2002; Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Education.

MUNETA, Paul; 1959-1996; Professor Emeritus of Food Science.

MURRAY, Glen A.; 1967-1999; Professor Emeritus of Agronomy and Crop Physiology.

NASKALI, Richard J.; 1967-2003; Arboretum Director with rank of Professor Emeritus.

NAYLOR, Denny V.; 1966-1999; Professor Emeritus of Soil Science.

NEHER, Richard S.; 1974-1998; Professor Emeritus of Music.

NELSON, Charles K.; 1969-1998; Professor Emeritus of Computer Science.

NELSON, Jack K.; 1990-1998; Professor Emeritus of Education.

NELSON, Lewis Jr.; 1978-1996; Extension Professor Emeritus of Wildlife Resources.

NEUENSCHWANDER, Leon F.; 1976-2002; Professor Emeritus of Forest Resources.

NEUHAUS, Ralph J.; 1967-2009; Professor Emeritus of Mathematics.

NEWCOMB, Shirley A.; 1949-1988; Professor Emerita of Home Economics.

NIELSEN, Ralph; 1964-1994; Special Projects, Librarian Emeritus with rank of Professor.

NILES, Marcia S.; 1991-2006; Professor Emeritus of Accounting and Department Chair Emeritus.

NYSTROM, Esther A.; 1944-1969; Extension Professor Emerita.

OHLENSEHLEN, Robert M.; 1978-2005; Extension Professor Emeritus.

OHMS, Richard E.; 1957-1983; Extension Professor Emeritus.

O'KEEFFE, Lawrence E.; 1965-1998; Professor of Entomology and Department Head Emeritus.

OLSON, Norman C.; 1971-1989; Professor of Management, Department Head, and Dean Emeritus.

OLSON, Philip D.; 1973-2005; Professor Emeritus of Business.

OLSSON, Kurt O.; 1974-2009; Professor of English and Department Chair Emeritus.

OMAN, Paul W.; 1984-2014; Professor Emeritus of Computer Science.

OSBORNE, Harold L.; 1972-2003; Extension Professor Emeritus of Forest Resources and Forest Manager.

OSIENSKY, James L.; 1985-2013; Professor Emeritus of Hydrogeology.

OTHBERG, Kurt L.; 1980-2011; Professor Emeritus of Geology.

OWEN, Glenn B.; 1964-1977; Director of Institutional Services Emeritus.

OWENS, Connie; 1982-2002; Lecturer Emerita in Communication.

PACE, Lois W.; 1972-1981; Extension Professor Emerita.

PALS, Douglas A.; 1977-2003; Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Education.

PANTING, Rauhn R.; 1978-2013; Extension Professor Emeritus.

PARISH, William R.; 1947-1983; Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering.

PARK, Jin Y.; 1979-2011; Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering.

PARKS, William H.; 1972-1994; Professor Emeritus of Business Strategies.

PARR, Joan K.; 1971-2004; Extension Professor Emerita.

PARTON, Robert R.; 1967-1988; Director of Housing and Food Service Emeritus.

PARTRIDGE, Arthur D.; 1960-1997; Professor Emeritus of Forest Resources.

PASSANANTE, Joy; 1977-2014; Professor Emerita of English.

PEAVY, Howard; 1993-2010; Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering and Associate Dean Emeritus.

PEDRAS, Melvin J.; 1985-2006; Professor Emeritus of Education.

PEEBLES, Stephen L.; 1960-1996; Extension Professor Emeritus.

PEEK, James M.; 1973-1999; Professor Emeritus of Wildlife Resources.

PERRAUD, Louis A.; 1982-2008; Professor Emeritus of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

PETERSON, Charles L.; 1973-2006; Professor Emeritus of Biological and Agricultural Engineering.

PETERSON, Floyd H.; 1969-1989; Professor of Music and Director Emeritus.

PETERSON, Hazel C.; 1971-1987; Professor Emerita of Physical Education.

PETERSON, James N.; 1975-2000; Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering.

PLACE, T. Alan; 1970-2002; Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering.

POLLARD, Richard R.; 1990-2011; Professor Emeritus of Educational Administration.

POTRATZ, Clarence J.; 1966-1994; Professor of Mathematics and Statistics and Department Chair Emeritus.

POTTER, Gretchen L.; 1966-1976; Professor Emerita of Home Economics.

PRIGGE, G. Raymond; 1975-1999; Extension Professor Emeritus of Agriculture.

PRISBREY, Keith A.; 1976-2007; Professor Emeritus of Metallurgy.

PRITCHETT, Jane; 1981-2002; Lecturer Emerita in Communication.

PROBASCO, Robert C.; 1968-1999; Professor Emeritus of Computer Science.

PYLE, Jan M.; 1972-1997; Catalog Librarian Emeritus with rank of Professor.

RABE, Fred W.; 1965-1992; Professor Emeritus of Zoology.

RALSTON, Dale R.; 1970-1999; Professor Emeritus of Hydrology.

REECE, James R.; 1970-2008; Professor Emeritus of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Department Chair Emeritus.

REESE, D. Nels; 1979-2008; Professor Emeritus of Architecture.

REESE, Kerry P.; 1984-2014; Professor Emeritus of Fish and Wildlife Sciences and Department Head Emeritus.

REID, Rolland R.; 1955-1994; Professor of Geology, Department Head, and Dean Emeritus.

REXFORD, Villa R.; 1962-1996; Extension Professor Emerita.

REYNOLDSON, Roger L.; 1985-1998; Professor of Educational Administration and Director of the University of Idaho Boise Center Emeritus.

RIGAS, Anthony L.; 1966-1993; Professor of Electrical Engineering and Director of Engineering Outreach Emeritus.

ROBBINS, Jo A.; 1991-2012; Extension Professor Emerita.

ROBERTS, Florence; 1976-1993; Professor Emerita of English.

ROBERTS, Lorin W.; 1957-1991; Professor Emeritus of Botany.

ROBERTSON, Larry D.; 1986-2003; Professor Emeritus of Plant Genetics.

ROSE, Alan; 1969-1999; Professor Emeritus of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

ROURKE, Arthur W.; 1972-1999; Professor of Zoology and Department Chair Emeritus.

ROUYER, Alwyn R.; 1970-2003; Professor Emeritus of Political Science.

ROYALTY, William D.; 1969-2002; Professor Emeritus of Mathematics.

RUBY, Mary Lou; 1960-1999; Extension Professor Emerita.

SANDERS, Kenneth D.; 1975-2008; Professor Emeritus of Rangeland Ecology and Management and Range Extension Specialist.

SANDVOL, Larry E.; 1972-2000; Extension Professor Emeritus of Entomology.

SASSER, R. Garth; 1967-1999; Professor Emeritus of Animal Science.

SCHELDORF, Jay J.; 1966-1999; Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering.

SCHENK, John A.; 1961-1988; Professor Emeritus of Forest Resources.

SCHERMERHORN, Richard W.; 1971-1989; Professor of Agricultural Economics and Department Head Emeritus.

SCOTT, Roger L.; 2003-2014; Professor Emeritus of Industrial Technology.

SCRIPTER, Sam M. W.; 1971-2002; Professor Emeritus of Geography.

SEARS, Forrest E.; 1966-1997; Professor Emeritus of Theatre Arts.

SHANE, William H.; 1969-1996; Extension Professor Emeritus.

SHARP, D. Wayne; 1963-1999; Extension Professor Emeritus.

SHOWELL, Jean C.; 1980-1996; Extension Professor Emerita.

SIEMS, Peter L.; 1965-1997; Professor Emeritus of Geology.

SIMMONS, George M.; 1975-1998; Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering.

SIPAHIGIL, Teoman; 1970-2002; Professor Emeritus of English.

SKINNER, Lynn J.; 1971-2006; Professor Emeritus of Music Education and Director Emeritus of the University of Idaho Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival.

SLADE, H. Eugene; 1942-1974; Business Manager Emeritus.

SMITH, Arthur D.; 1973-2003; Professor Emeritus of Law.

SMITH, Larry J.; 1980-2009; Extension Professor Emeritus.

SMITH, Lewis B.; 1967-1992; Professor Emeritus of Education.

SMITH, Rosa L.; 1961-2002; Extension Professor Emerita.

SOUTH, Peter J.; 1976-1990; Professor Emeritus of Veterinary Science.

SPEVACEK, Robert J.; 1968-1998; Professor Emeritus of Music.

SPOMER, George G.; 1972-1999; Professor Emeritus of Botany.

STECIAK, Judith A.; 1995-2014; Professor Emerita of Mechanical Engineering.

STEIGER, Monte L.; 1982-2002; Library Associate Dean Emeritus with rank of Professor.

STEINHORST, R. Kirk; 1977-2007; Professor Emeritus of Statistics.

STELLMON, M. William; 1964-1992; Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Information.

STIMPSON, Janice K.; 1971-2010; Extension Professor Emerita.

STOCK, Molly W.; 1974-2006; Professor Emeritus of Forest Resources and Computer Science.

STOLTZ, Robert L.; 1975-2002; Extension Professor Emeritus of Entomology.

STOSZEK, Karel J.; 1975-1999; Professor Emeritus of Forest Resources.

STRANAHAN, Clyde H.; 1942-1974; Extension Professor Emeritus.

STURGUL, John R.; 1992-2009; Professor Emeritus of Mining Engineering.

SUMPTION, Brian F.; 1985-2010; Professor Emeritus of Architecture.

TAYLOR, Roy E.; 1968-1992; Extension Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Engineering.

TELIN, Matt E.; 1968-1995; Registrar Emeritus.

THOMAS, Charles M.; 1959-1990; Extension Professor Emeritus of Agriculture.

THOMAS, Gordon P.; 1984-2010; Professor Emeritus of English.

THOMPSON, Charles J.; 1965-1996; Professor Emeritus of Physical Education.

THOMPSON, David E.; 1999-2007; Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering and Dean Emeritus.

TOVEY, DeVere; 1938-1978; Extension Professor Emeritus.

TOVEY, Weldon R.; 1962-1998; Professor of Engineering Science and Associate Dean Emeritus.

TUNG, Mason; 1962-1990; Professor Emeritus of English.

TURNER, Betty J.; 1975-1988; Extension Professor Emerita of Home Economics.

TYLUTKI, Edmund E.; 1956-1991; Professor Emeritus of Botany.

ULLIMAN, Joseph J.; 1974-1998; Professor Emeritus of Forest Resources.

VAN HOUTEN, Karen J.; 1969-2003; Professor Emerita of Computer Science.

VENT, Herbert J.; 1960-1980; Professor Emeritus of Education.

VETTRUS, Dean L.; 1961-1993; General Manager of ASUI and Student Union Emeritus.

VINCENT, Jack E.; 1994-2008; Borah Professor Emeritus of International Relations.

VON BRAUN, Margrit; 1980-2011; Professor Emerita of Chemical Engineering.

VOORHEES, Jack R.; 1969-1975; Professor of Naval Science and Department Head Emeritus.

VOXMAN, Mary H.; 1982-2003; Senior Instructor Emerita of Mathematics.

VOXMAN, William L.; 1970-2003; Professor Emeritus of Mathematics.

WAGNER, Francis G.; 1992-2012; Professor Emeritus of Forest Products.

WALKER, David J.; 1977-2002; Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics.

WALKER, Diane B.; 1968-1999; Professor Emerita of Dance.

WALKER, Norman L.; 1969-1993; Extension Professor Emeritus.

WALLACE, Alfred T.; 1967-2002; Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering.

WALLENHAUPT, Katherine M.; 1973-1999; Extension Professor Emerita.

WALLINS, Roger P.; 1970-2002; Professor of English and Associate Dean Emeritus.

WANAMAKER, Nancy J.; 1976-2007; Professor Emerita of Family and Consumer Sciences and Department Head Emerita.

WARD, Alton C. S.; 1965-2003; Professor Emeritus of Veterinary Medicine.

WATTENBARGER, David W.; 1969-2001; Extension Professor Emeritus.

WATTS, Frederick J.; 1968-1993; Professor of Civil Engineering and Department Chair Emeritus.

WEBB, Linda I.; 1980-2009; Extension Professor Emerita.

WEGMAN, Jerry L.; 1977-2010; Professor Emeritus of Business Law.

WENNY, David L.; 1979-2005; Professor Emeritus of Forest Regeneration.

WEST, Dennis D.; 1979-2009; Professor Emeritus of Foreign Languages and Literatures (Spanish).

WEST, Joan M.; 1981-2009; Professor Emeritus of Foreign Languages and Literatures (French).

WHARTON, William C.; 1975-2009; Professor Emeritus of Music.

WHITE, Donald R.; 1968-1991; Extension Professor Emeritus of Forest Resources.

WHITE, Florence A.; 1978-1999; Professor Emerita of Education.

WHITLOCK, Alan J.; 1994-2013; Instructor Emeritus of Psychology and Communication Studies.

WIESE, Maurice V.; 1978-2002; Research Professor of Plant Pathology and Chair Emeritus.

WILLETT, Gerald A. Jr.; 1977-1995; Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering.

WILLIAMS, Barbara C.; 1998-2014; Professor Emerita of Biological and Angricultural Engineering.

WILLIAMS, Doris K.; 1983-1999; Professor Emerita of Family and Consumer Sciences.

WILLIAMS, Larry G.; 1956-1990; Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Engineering.

WILSON, Lucia L.; 1950-1972; Extension Professor Emerita.

WITHERS, Russell V.; 1961-1999; Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics.

WOLF, Virginia; 1964-1982; Professor Emerita of Physical Education.

WOOD, Mary Lee; 1964-1999; Extension Professor Emerita of Family and Consumer Sciences.

WOOLSTON, William P.; 1973-2011; Professor Emeritus of Art and Design.

WRAY, George T.; 1969-2002; Professor Emeritus of Art.

WRIGGLE, Larry K.; 1965-1993; Professor Emeritus of Education.

YEH, Wei J.; 1990-2012; Professor Emeritus of Physics.

YOUNG, Nancy J.; 1998-2013; Reference Librarian Emerita with rank of Professor.

ZEIGER, Dinah L.; 2008-2013; Professor Emerita of Journalism and Mass Media.