University of Idaho
Center for ETHICS
500 Memorial Gym
Moscow, ID 83844-3080 
Phone: (208) 885-2103
Fax: (208) 885-2108  

Design of the RSBH Value Judgement Inventory

The RSBH Value Judgment Inventory (paper and pencil test) purports to measure social and moral character in the sport context, while using two separate indices. The social character index contains ten sport scenarios outside the lines of competition and involves the social values of teamwork, loyalty, and self-sacrifice. Using a five-point Likert Scale from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree, a total score is achieved (see example of social character questions). Akin to the social character index, the moral character index also involves the use of sport scenarios, however, the moral character scenarios reside inside the lines of competition and incorporate the universal moral values of honesty, justice, and responsibility (see example of moral character questions). The moral character index also uses a five- point Likert Scale from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree to achieve a final score. Multivariate statistical analyses, univariate statistical analyses, and correlations can be done to then examine group differences on both the social character index and the moral character index.