


Exercise Four -- KEY:

Given the work we have done in the preceding exercises, we are now in a position to take our steps and put them into standard form.  What follows is a standard form representation of those steps that we took with us from Exercises Two and Three.  (The status of the steps as EXPlicit or IMPlicit is indicated.)

  1. If I am to be kind and accepting as opposed to enraged and vengeful, I must be with someone who is kind toward me.  (EXP -- 2, 6)

  2. Humans cannot be kind toward me because of my appearance.  (EXP -- 7)

  3. If humans can’t be kind to me, then someone else must be or I will wreak havoc. (IMP -- supported by 8 - 10)

  4. The only option aside from humans is another created being. (IMP)

  5. This someone will have to be created by you.  (IMP)

  6. You must create a companion for me. (EXP -- 12)

Note that the first step in this reconstruction is a combination of two explicit steps, the first of which is supported by a supplementary argument constituted by sentences (3) through (5).  One could reconstruct this by splitting up (2) and (6); however, the creature's point in those sentences does appear to be to contrast his current behavior with his desired behavior, and this way of phrasing it brings out that contrast explicitly.


Exercise Four Argument