TV, Movies, YouTube, Comics

You can
view media of any variety for extra credit.  You can watch a film, tv show, YouTube movie that seems relevant to material we are covering in course and relate the content to the theories/ terms/ concepts/ research we are covering. 

To earn credit you must: 1) provide a summary of the content, 2) describe what specific aspect of our course material is relevant to that content -- use the terms and theories of the course, and 3) discuss your observations.  That is, discuss if you think the media agrees with or contradicts material presented in class. 

Your work should be typed and be 2-3 paragraphs in length (a single sentence or two won't earn you the points). 

 These can be turned in at any date prior to the last class BEFORE dead week.  


Feelings are not supposed to be rational.  Dangerous is the [person] who has rationalized his emotions.
David Borenstein, Polish Artist

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