

Psychology of Emotion (PSYC 456) - Spring 2013
LECTURE: T, TH (11-12:15), TLC 249
: Jamie C. Nekich, Ph.D.

Office: Forney Hall, 013 (down 1 floor from building entrance)
Psychology Office: Student Health Building #206, 885-6324
Office Hours:  T 2-3:00pm, and by appointment
Phone: 885-5057
Web Site: www.class.uidaho.edu/nekich/

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Required text: Emotion (2011) by Kalat & Shiota  
Additional Required Reading Going to Pieces without Falling Apart (1999) by Epstein  
Opening Up (1999) by Pennebaker  
Authentic Happiness (2003) by Seligman  

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bulletCourse Purpose: The course provides an overview of various theoretical perspectives on the experience and regulation of emotion.  We examine research in the field of emotion -- historic and contemporary. We will explore the physical, neurological, cognitive, and social aspects of emotion.  We explore emotional development and the emotional elements of our temperaments/ personalities.  And we explore the nature of significant emotional experiences such a anger, fear, happiness, and self evaluative emotions like shame and pride.  The course also examines three influential perspectives on emotion regulation.  The course is upper division so presumes basic understanding of psychological concepts and research methods and will ask you to understand and explore concepts well beyond those presented in the textbook.  Class attendance is required.
bulletLearning  Objectives:  After completing this course you will:
bulletknow the major theories in the field of emotion
bulletbe able to apply theoretical knowledge to address practical issues related to emotional experience
bulletbe critical thinkers about the role of development in shaping emotional constitution
bulletapply concepts to understand your own emotional experience and regulatory processes
bulletbe prepared for advanced study in disciplines related to emotion
bullethave a foundation of theoretical perspectives to support exploration, critique, and application of topics related to human emotion

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bulletAttendance:  Attendance is required. Lectures go well beyond the textbook topics and classroom discussion will be provide the only exploration of these concepts.  Eight periodic, random quizzes will be given to award attendance points.
bulletClassroom Participation: Students are expected to come to class prepared -- reading completed; assignments completed.  They are expected to participate in exercises and discussions.  Participation doesn't mean you always have to talk, but your focus must be on the classroom activities. 
bulletElectronics Policy: Cell phones, computers, and all other electronics are NOT ALLOWED in the classroom.  Leave these in your backpack. 
bullet Homework:  there will be two types of homework assigned throughout the semster:

Ten assignments will explore the concepts, theory, and research in the course.  These provide an opportunity to review the course material.  These assignments are made up of objective questions (true/ false and multiple choice questions) and one short essay question submitted online.
bulletno late assignments are accepted

You will also complete ten 'experiments' or 'exercises' over the course of the semester.  I will ask you to experiment with some different ways of exploring the course materials --- broaden your horizons, you know.  I will want you to engage with the assignments in some meaningful way.   These exercises will invite you to experiment with techniques to explore/ express/ understand/ regulate your own emotional experiences.  These will require application of the material we will be studying and involve personal introspection and written summaries of your experiments that will be submitted online.
bulletno late assignments are accepted

bullet Exams: One midterm exam and a final exam will be given during the semester.  Exams are multiple choice, true/ false, short answer, and matching questions.  Exams will be reviewed in class but not be returned. 
bullet Final Project:  You can approach your final project from one of three different angles (outlined under 'final project') You will be asked to turn in a final written product of high quality: a carefully edited, well-written and formatted paper 4-7 pages in length.  A month before the project is due, you will turn in  a one page summary of your intended project that is specific enough that I understand your intended topic and can approve it and/ or make suggestions.  Your topic will arise from a review of your homework, written exercises, and homework to identify the topics that intrigue and engage you most centrally.  Your final project asks you to pick a topic to explore in depth that holds meaning for you, that holds your attention, and creates a natural curiosity in you.
bullet Extra-credit: Extra credit can be earned by participating in Psychology Department Research Projects.  You can earn a MAXIMUM of 30 points extra credit.  There is an alternative available for earning extra credit if you prefer not to participate in experiments.  Please find more information under 'extra credit'. 


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bulletPoints: You can earn a total of 550 points during the semester.
  2 exams (100 points each)     200
  10 Emotion Exercises 150
  10 Homework Assignments          150
  Final Project        100
  Unannounced Quizzes  80
bulletGrading: Grading Scale: 
  90-100% A      612-680
  80-89% B        544-611
  70-79% C        476-543
  60-69% D         408-475
  0-59%   F    below 408

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Feelings are not supposed to be rational.  Dangerous is the [person] who has rationalized his emotions.
David Borenstein, Polish Artist

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