Tips for using the course materials for Interactive Ecology

Live consultations with professor via video


Tutorial for best performance


The interactive lessons are optimized for the TablePC

Set the TabletPC to portrait mode before running any of the lessons. Optimal screen size is 12"; minimum screen resolution is 1024 X 768.

TabletPC demonstration

Top 10 benefits for students

Education pack for students


Note. If you upgrade to service pack 2 (SP-2) of Windows XP, you may encounter problems in accessing and running the interactive lessons. Be sure to test your Windows system with the interactive lessons to make sure the lessons load in full screen mode (without browser menu and scroll bars). Be sure to allow "pop up" windows for this course internet site. Your browser can be set to allow this; (1) Tools, (2) Internet options, (3) privacy settings) or the setting can be selected at the time the browser prompts you.

The site address,, must also be added to "trusted sites" under the "Security" section of your browser setup.  Note. Be sure that the box for "https" is not checked before you add the internet address.


Lessons using JAVA applets or other JAVA programming does not work New computers or new installations of MS Internet Explorer do not include the JAVA engine. You must download and install the JAVA engine separately from Sun Microsystems before your browser will run any lessons or other internet sites that use JAVA.
Check your monitor resolution Set you desktop resolution to at least 1024 X 768 and at least 16-bit color

Right-click on your desktop and click on "properties" to set the resolution


Use only MS Internet Explorer The interactive lessons will not run properly unless you use MS Internet Explorer (version 6.x)


Maximize your browser window Depress the "F11" key on your keyboard to maximize (and to return to previous view) the browser window


Optimize your browser window space Minimize toolbars, icons, and icon help text. These are configured in your browser settings.


If you have installed a "pop-up" blocker program on your computer Disable the pop-up blocker function or you will not be able to access certain portions of the course material.
   Apple computers  The interactive course materials will not work on Apple computers. The course materials only work on computer running the MS Windows operating system (versions NT/2000/XP)
Marratech video conferencing setup

1. Click on the following address:

2. The “Marratech Manager” page should load in your Internet Explorer browser

3. Enter the access codes for the course

4. You should see the “Ecology Consultation Room”

5. Select this room, and select “open” when prompted You should see (on the left of the screen) that you are logged in as “ecology”

6. Select the whiteboard (bottom left icon) and contact me (make sure the icons for audio and video are blue, and the microphone is red). The microphone icon is a toggle "walkie-talkie" style button; hold down the CTRL key and click the microphone icon to keep the microphone on.

For Vista systems, please see the instructions on the following link to setup Marratech.

Download and install Java 1.5 from the following link (or from the bottom of the above page): (The Java 1.5 version is co-resides and is compatible with any all other JAVA versions.)