Facilitators Institute

January 25-27, 2007

8:30am - 4:30pm

Williams Conference Center
Clearwater River Room

Lewis Clark State College

This interactive workshop will grow your skills in motivating and engaging students. You'll improve your performance inside and outside the classroom as you learn the art and practice of helping groups become successful. Dr. Daniel Apple, President of Pacific Crest, will be leading the event. In order to help prepare for a rewarding experience, please review the attached pre-reading materials.

Workshop Themes:

bulletUnderstand the role and benefits of structured activities in an active learning environment.
bulletWrite effective inquiry/critical thinking questions.
bulletEstablish clear performance expectations for strong learning outcomes.
bulletIntegrate skill development and content mastery through activity design.

Workshop Documents:

MS Word Documents
bullet Master Workshop Journal - Notes taken during the workshop
bullet Table Journals - Observations of facilitation techniques
bullet Table 1
bulletTable 2
bullet Table 3
bullet Key Resources
bulletFacilitators Guide
bullet Role of a Facilitator in a Change Process
bullet Case Study - Engineering Problem Solving Course Design

Activity Materials

bulletFaculty Buy-In (Marvin & Dan)
bullet Facilitation Plan
bullet Fishbowl Roles
bullet PowerPoint Presentation
bullet Affective Management of a Challenging Environment (Tiffany & Ralph)
bullet Activity
bulletCase Study 1-3
bulletCase Study 4-5
bulletCreating a Quality Facilitation Plan (Jane & Roger)
bullet Creating an Effective Learning Environment (Tom)
bulletCreating a Challenging Environment (Nan & Austin)
bullet Facilitation Plan
bullet Outcomes
bulletFormal and Informal Facilitation Processes (Dave)
bullet Activity
bullet Engineering Education Scholarship (Barb & Holly)
bulletLinking Bloom's Taxonomy to Facilitation (Steve & Don)
bulletKey Learning Skills
bullet Learning Actions (Maslow)

Pacific Crest PowerPoint Files

bulletPacific Crest (~14 MB)
bulletStar Figure (~4 MB)
bullet Assessment vs. Evaluation (~2 MB)
bullet Effective Facilitators (small)
bullet Instructional Design (small)

PDF Files

bullet Efforts to Transform Higher Education
bulletOverview of Facilitation
bulletTheory of Performance