Drake English 313

Introductory Memo Evaluation/Grade Coversheet

Author's Name:______________________________________________________________/100 Total Points Overall

___/45 pts. Total Informative purpose. Does the memo:

___/15 One, Five and Fifty-Year plans: Describe career goals in specific terms and why those goals are important to you? 

___/15 Describe in specific terms how this class fits in with achieving those specific goals?

___/15 Describe your experiences, strengths and weaknesses as a writer and speaker? Describe specific communication goals for this semester and how you will go about working on them?

___/10 pts. Total Rhetorical Purpose. Does the document make clear attempts to build goodwill with the reader?


___/25 pts. Total Form. Are the following correctly formatted? (See Memo/Email Format)

___/5 Heading (Date, To, From, Subject); initials by your name if on paper

___/5 12pt font, stapled pages

___/5 Use of appropriate headings (Paragraph #1has no heading; introduces topic).

___/5 Relatively short paragraphs; variety of paragraph lengths.

___/5 Second page heading formatted correctly


___/20 pts. Total Mechanics/Editing. Are there specific problems with punctuation, spelling, sentence structure or usage?    Specific weak mechanical areas to work on: