Positive-Emphasis Policy Letter
Evaluation/Grade Coversheet


___/5  Does the subject line describe the policy, and does it do so in positive terms?  Is the subject line specific enough to differentiate this message from others on the same subject?

___/5 Does the first paragraph summarize the message and/or describe the policy?  If the information is complex or technical, does the paragraph list the basic parts of the policy or information in the order in which the letter discusses them?

___/10 Does the letter answer specific questions readers are likely to have about the policy or information (who, what, where, when etc.)?

___/5 Does it refer the reader to other, more detailed documents, telephone numbers, web-sites or to other, enclosed documents?

___/5 Have you clearly outlined what the reader needs to do next and when to begin doing it?  What specific action are you requesting of the readers?

Ethos/Positive Emphasis/Reader Benefits:

___/10 Are attempts made to develop ethos and goodwill with the reader?

___/10 Is each reader benefit  specific to the audience and phrased in you attitude?

___/10 Is positive emphasis used to spin the negative into more neutral or positive terms?

___/5 Does the message end with a positive ending relevant to the content?


___ /10 Is the letter correctly formatted according to the appropriate conventions (use either Block Format or Modified Block Format see Appendix A.5-A.9)

___/10 Is the letter formatted for "speed reading" or skimming?  Does it use enough white space? Does it use at least one bulleted list?          

___/5 Does the letter avoid jargon and overly formal language? Does the tone seem appropriate to the audience? Is the language clear and concise?

___/10 Is the document well edited? 

_____/100 Total Points