Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Drake 258


What effect does the institution of slavery have on slave holders, and what specific examples does he cite from his own experience?


What effect does religion have on most slave holders, and what specific examples does he cite from his own experience?


What attitudes did his fellow slaves take to religious instruction, and what specific events or situation does Douglass describe as evidence?


Explain what Douglass means when he says “This fight with Mr. Covey was a turning point in my career as a slave.”  Does Douglass gain hegemony over Covey?


What effect does knowledge and “the power of reason” have on Douglass and his own relationship to slavery?

How does Douglass's Narrative support Marx's theories concerning historical materialism, hegemony and ideology?  Explain how religion and education (reading) play the role of ideology  (this question is closely related to a number of the previous ones, above)?  Cite examples.

Relate Douglass's Narrative to the central concepts explored in Byron Hurt's Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats And Rhymes, especially in relation to the previous question (historical materialism, hegemony and ideology). Cite examples from both.