Some Notes On These Notes And My Lectures, Tests Etc.

These notes have been compiled by Tom Drake to help him teach Literature of Western Civilization courses at the University of Idaho. He uses them to prepare for his lectures and to conduct those lectures.

The information on this website is to be considered public domain and may be shared widely and freely; all of the factual information is widely available elsewhere. Conversely, if there are factual or editing or website errors found on these pages, please contact Tom via email so that he can correct them.

Students should:

- Use these notes to preview and review those lectures, to understand the assigned texts, and to prep for quizzes and tests.

- Study this information and not simply skim or read thru it once or twice; this is our textbook and much of the information found here is complex.

- Supplement notes taken in class as well; additional relevant information may be covered in class that is not found in these notes.  Even if you find these online notes adequate to covering the assigned material, taking notes in class is the most time tested method of learning the information, meaning, the best way to pay attention, understand and get decent grades on the tests.

- Look to the "Related Links" column of the Schedule page for further explanation of the information and concepts covered in these lecture notes; you will not be tested on the "Related Links" linked info, but it's there to help you.

- Ask questions in class about anything and everything on these pages or the lectures that isn't clear or that you don't quite get; notes are just that, a brief outline of the larger ideas, so make sure you grasp those larger ideas and always ask Tom to clarify those ideas whenever you feel you need him to.