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Lecture 3 - Concepts of Toxicology

Learning Objectives

  1. Define toxicity.
  2. Discuss different types of toxic responses.
  3. Explain how toxicants are classified.
  4. Describe the phases of toxicosis.
  5. Explain how concomitant exposure influences toxicity.
  6. Develop an introductory understanding of toxicity testing. 
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Advance Reading

  1. Hughes, pp 19-27
  2. Shibamoto & Bjeldanes, pp 41-52
  3. NLM Toxicology Tutor, Introduction, Toxic Effects, Interactions, and Toxicity Testing Methods

Suggested Reading

  1. Foundation for Biomedical Research
  2. Alternatives to Animal Testing
  3. Americans for Medical Progress Foundation
  4. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
  5. Shibamoto & Bjeldanes, pp 33-41



  • Absorption
  • Acute toxicity
  • Biotransformation
  • Chronic toxicity
  • Delayed toxicity
  • Distribution
  • Excretion, elimination
  • End effect
  • Immediate toxicity
  • in vitro
  • in vivo
  • Linear dose sequence
  • Local toxicity
  • Logarithmic dose sequence
  • Storage
  • Systemic toxicity
  • Toxicity testing
  • Toxicodynamics
  • Toxicokinetics 

Suggested Exercise

  1. Go to the Protein Data Bank (PDB) site and view human fetal Hemoglobin and bar-headed goose Hemoglobin. PDB is the  single worldwide repository for the processing and distribution of 3-D biological macromolecular structure data.
  2. Use the structure screen tools and your mouse to explore the inner working and structure of this complex compound.
  3. What do you notice about the "active site" in both molecules?