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Lecture 24 - Dioxin and Related Compounds in the Human Food Chain

Learning Objectives

  1. Explore dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in the food supply.
  2. Summarize the structural similarities of cogeners of dioxins and furans.
  3. Understand Toxicity Equivalency Factors (TEF) and Toxicity Equivalents (TEQ) for dioxins and related compounds.
  4. Summarize the known processes and toxicological endpoints of dioxin exposure.
  5. Describe the controversy and data needs concerning low-level dioxin exposure.
  6. Describe the observed effects and major findings of animal studies with dioxin.
  7. Summarize the environmental and food sources of dioxins.
  8. Summarize the known human risk estimations for dioxins.
  9. Summarize the regulatory control approaches for dioxin release.
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