Dialectic, Polarity, Transcendence, and Immanence

•Reversion is the action of the Dao

Weakness is the function of the Dao

•All things in the world come from being

•And being comes from non-being.

                   Daodejing-- Chan trans.

•An ontology of non-being.  Ontos + logos = the “logic” of being; a theory of reality

A Dialectic of Opposites

•Yin is always becoming Yang; Yang is always becoming Yin.

Day is always becoming night; night as always becoming day.

•Life is always becoming death; death is always turning into life.

•Note that death is not evil, but simply a natural result of life.

•See “Dialectic: East & West” on website.

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Polarity and Dialectic

Not dichotomy or dualism. Polar relations are internal, which means that they are fully interdependent. Dichotomies and dualisms are externally related. Atoms are externally related to one another. Body and soul not dependent on one another (Yoga). Or soul affects changes in the body but the soul does not change (Christian dualism).

Asymmetrical Relations, Transcendence, and Immanence

•Past remains the same but the present constantly changes. That means the past is externally related to the present but the present is internally related to the past.  This is called an asymmetrical internal relation. It is just like the Christian God  that remains the same but the world constantly changes. Transcendent God rather than Asian immanental deity. (Make sure you keep immanent, eminent, imminent distinct in your mind.) In the world rather than beyond the world. What about Tian=Heaven? Moral laws and natural principles are immanent. Heaven’s constancy is only a model for moral integrity.