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Bus Service Planning: Glossary

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Blocking-- assigning trips to vehicles so that each vehicle works continuously and proper headways are maintained.

Cycle Time-- the total time required to complete a full cycle. The cycle time includes the running time and the layover/recovery time.

Exclusive Bus Lanes-- roadway lanes that are meant to be used by buses only. These lanes reduce conflicts with passenger cars and other traffic.

Fare-- the amount of money that is charged for riding a transit vehicle.

Headway-- the time that should elapse between consecutive buses arriving at stations or terminal points.

Layover/Recovery Time-- the time that transit vehicles should remain stationary at each terminal point. The layover/recovery time is used for resting, administrative purposes, and for maintaining proper headways.

Network-- a system of routes.

Operating Speed-- the average speed at which a transit vehicle can traverse the route in question, including intermediate stops.

Policy Headway-- the headway set by the local transit authority.

Route-- a specific physical path that a transit vehicle follows.

Running Time-- the portion of the cycle time that is spent traveling, not in layover/recovery.

Schedule-- the temporal path that a transit vehicle follows, or a listing of times at which the transit vehicle should be located at various places.

Terminal Point-- a point at the end of the route, or any other designated point, at which the transit vehicle may enter or leave service or remain stationary for a few moments for layover/recovery. There are normally two terminal points on linear routes, one at each end.

Travel Time-- see Running Time above.

Vehicle Block Summary-- a table listing the time intervals that each vehicle will be in service and also listing the total time that each vehicle will be in service.