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Traffic Flow Theory: Example Problems

Traffic Flow Model

A study of freeway flow at a particular site has resulted in a calibrated speed-density relationship, as follows:

Us= 57.5(1-0.008k)

From this relationship:

  1. Find the free-flow speed and jam density
  2. Derive the equations describing flow versus speed and flow versus density.
  3. Determine the capacity of the site mathematically

 [Solution Shown Below]












A.) To solve for free-flow speed and jam density:

us = 57.5 –0.46k. Notice that this equation is linear with respect to space mean speed and density and is of the form of Greenshield’s equation.

Greenshield’s equation: us= uf- (uf/kj)k

Free flow speed uf = 57.5 MPH

To calculate jam density: uf/kj = 0.46 gives kj = 125 vpm


B.) To derive the equations for flow as a function of density:

q= usk

q = 57.5k-0.46k2 vph gives flow as a function of density ( note that it is a quadratic in k)

To derive flow as a function of speed:


k=(57.5-us)/0.46 = 125-(us/0.46)

q = us(125-(us/0.46)) = 125us- us2/0.46 vph ( note that it is a quadratic in us)


C.) To determine the capacity of the site:

Need to determine the maximum flow:

dq/dk = 57.5 – 0.46(2)k =0


k = 57.5/(0.46(2)) = 62.5 veh per mile = km=density at maximum flow

q = 57.5k-0.46k2

q=57.5(62.5) –0.46(62.5)2

q=3593.75 –1796.875

q = 1796.875 veh/hour = qm

speed at maxium flow = um = 57.5 –0.46(62.5) =28.75 mph