Quiz Study Guides


Here are some questions you should be able to answer when you take quizzes on your assigned play readings.


·        Who or what is the Protagonist and the Antagonist?


·        What is the essential action of the play?


·        What is the major dramatic question?


·        What are the potential themes?   Be prepared to explain your reasoning and defend your analysis.


·        Know the characters’ names.   Be prepared to discuss their relationships to each other.   Also be prepared to discuss character groupings.


·        Be able to identify the crisis, the climax, and the resolution of the major dramatic question.


·        Are there any particular differences between the recent play you read from previous play readings?   Are there several lines of action like in Shakespeare?   Are there any textual considerations like the use of verse in Moliere or Shakespeare?   How does the role of the chorus help or hinder Greek drama?   Is there a use of Soliloquy, asides, or narration?   Be prepared to reflect on your growing understanding of dramatic structure and style.