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Chapter 1: The Traffic Signal Control System: Its Pieces and How They Fit Together
The purpose of this activity is for you to appreciate how realistic a simulation model can be in replicating
traffic flow at a real signalized intersection.
Assess the realism of a simulation environment by comparing it with a video of actual field operations
Develop your ability to “see” and “observe” video and animation of traffic flow at a signalized inter-
section and relate these observations to traffic flow theory and principles
Movie file: A04.wmv
Prepare a document with your answers to the Critical Thinking Questions
As you begin this activity, consider the following questions. You will come back to these questions once
you have completed the activity.
1. How realistic does the simulation appear to be? How realistic does a simulation model need to be?
What is the basis of your conclusions?
2. Based on the information provided in the video, how do you know that a southbound vehicle has
been detected?
3. Is the process of queue formation and clearance for the southbound approach similar or different
to the description of traffic flow in Activity #1? Explain your answer.
4. Why does the phase end (or the display turn from green to yellow) for the southbound approach
near the end of the video?
Learning to See:
The Simulation Environment in Which We Will Work