WLF 448: Fish & Wildlife Population Ecology

Lab 9: Population Growth in Unlimited Environments

Fall 2004

I. Introduction

A. Characteristics of a good model

  1. general
  2. realistic
  3. precise / accurate
  4. simple

B. Deterministic vs. stochastic models (see Bookhout 1994:420)

C. Population growth: exponential versus logistic growth equations

D. Fundamental population growth parameters (see Life Table notation)

  1. Ro = (Sum lx mx) / l0 = net reproductive rate per generation or the mean number of female offspring produced by a female during her lifetime.

  2. G (or T) = Sum (x lx mx) / Sum (lx mx) = mean length of a generation or the mean reproductive age of females.

  3. = lambda = Ro1/G = finite rate of increase of the population in one time step (often 1 yr).

  4. r ~ = ln (Ro) / G = instantaneous rate of change or r ~ = ln (lambda)

  5. Sx or px = finite survival rate.

  6. qx = finite mortality rate.

II. Exponential or Geometric Population Growth Models

Note:  All examples are in the In-class file, which can be obtained from the hyperlink at roman numeral IV below.

A. Assumptions

  1. Population growth in an unlimited, constant, and favorable environment.

  2. Growth rates are constant.

  3. Populations have a stable-age distribution (i.e., constant birth and death rates in age classes).

B. Reproductive strategies:

  1. Semelparity: discrete generations where organisms breed once and die (e.g., insects, annual plants, salmon).

  2. Iteroparity: overlapping generations where an organism has more than one reproductive effort during a lifetime, which can be either discrete or cont.

C. Discrete Generations with a Single Breeding Period.

For a population with discrete generations with a single breeding period, the population size at generation g (denoted Ng ) is calculated as:

Ng = N0 Rog

where N0 = initial population size, and g = number of generations into the future.

Ro varies with age at reproduction, litter size, and survival, thus affecting Ng.

Discrete Generations Example: Salmon

Age (yrs) lx mx . .
0 100,000 0 . .
1 250 0 . .
2 50 0 . .
3 10 20,000 . .

Ro =

G =

Ng=1 =

N2 =

N3 =

D. Overlapping Generations w/ Discrete Breeding Periods (Birth Pulse).

For a population with overlapping generations with discrete breeding periods, the population size at time t (denoted Nt ) is calculated as:

Nt = N0 (lambda)t

where N0 = initial population size,
       t = time steps into the future (often expressed as years). 

Birth Pulse Example: Wood thrush

Age (yrs) lx mx . .
0 100 0.0 . .
1 40 2.0 . .
2 10 4.0 . .

Ro =

G =

lambda =

Nt =1 =

N2 =

N3 =

N10 =

E. Overlapping Generations w/ a Cont. Breeding Period (Birth Flow).

For a population with overlapping generations and a continuous breeding period, the population size at time t (denoted Nt ) is calculated as:

Nt = N0 ert

where N0 = initial population size, 
       t = number of time steps in the future, 
       r = instantaneous rate of increase. 

Note: with continuous breeding the age interval (x) often is set at the midpoint of the age interval. For example, a microtus life table might look like this:

Age (months) x lx mx . .
0-3 1.5 100 0.0 . .
3-6 4.5 60 2.1 . .
6-9 7.5 30 3.2 . .
9-12 10.5 10 3.2 . .

Ro =

G =

r =

Nt = 6 =

N12 =

N24 =

assume critical habitat was lost or degraded at this point in time and resulted in r = -0.03.

N25 =

F. Doubling Time

t = ln(2) / r

G. Common situations in nature where exponential growth may occur over appreciable periods of time:

  1. Where a species has naturally colonized or has been introduced by humans into a new and acceptable geographic area.

  2. Where a species has been greatly depressed by human activities and such activities cease.

  3. Where a species naturally undergoes marked fluctuations and population growth consequently begins from densities that are very low relative to environmental carrying capacity.

III. Instantaneous versus Finite Rates

A. Population Growth Rates

If a population doubles each year, then:

lambda = 2 (finite rate of growth yearly)

lambda = er = 2

r = ln (lambda) = 0.693 (instantaneous rate of growth yearly).

To calculate daily rate of growth (change):

  1. Use the basic formula Nt = N0 ert
  2. Divide the instantaneous rate of growth yearly by 365.

For example, a population of 1000 individuals having an instantaneous growth rate of 0.693 yearly would increase daily as follows:

N1/365 = 1000 (e0.693 x 1/365) = 1001.9

B. Survival and Mortality Rates

Recall that:

Conversion Formulas (between finite and instantaneous rates)

Note: although instantaneous rates are useful mathematically, it is clearly easiest to think about finite survival rates or finite mortality rates, and survival data should be reported in this form (Krebs 1989:412).


One common problem in calculating survival rates is to convert observed rates to a standardized time base. For example, you might watch a mallard brood for 38-days and get a finite survival rate of 0.60; however, you will probably want to report your results according to a standard observation period (e.g., 30 days). In other words, you want to convert S38 to S30.

  1. Convert the observed (i.e., finite) survival rate to an instantaneous mortality rate (see conversion equations described above).

    • z38 = - ln (0.60) = 0.51

  2. Adjust the instantaneous mortality rate to the standard time period:

    • z30 = z38 (ts / t0),

      where ts = standardized time interval  
            t0 = observed time interval  
    • z30 = 0.51 (30 / 38) = 0.403

  3. Convert the adjusted instantaneous mortality rate back to the finite rate.

    • S30 = e-0.403 = 0.668

Remember that instantaneous mortality rates are additive, whereas finite survival rates are multiplicative. However, you cannot subdivide finite survival rates like you can instantaneous mortality rates. In other words, if you want a survival estimate in some other unit of time than currently expressed, then you must convert to an instantaneous rate before subdividing.

IV. In-class exercise

V.  Problem Set

VI. Selected References

Begon, M., J. L. Harper and C. R. Townsend. 1996. Ecology: Individuals, populations and communities. 3rd ed. Blackwell Scientific Ltd., Cambridge, Mass. 1068pp

Begon M., and M. Mortimer. 1986. Population ecology: A unified study of animals and plants. Blackwell Scientific Publ., Boston. 220pp.

Caughley, G., and L. C. Birch. 1971. Rate of increase. J. Wildl. Manage. 35:658-663.

Elseth, G. D., and K. D. Baumgardner. 1981. Population biology. D. Van Nostrand Co., New York. 623pp.

Johnson, D. H. 1994. Population analysis. Pages 419-444 in T. A. Bookhout, ed. Research and management techniques for wildlife and habitats. Fifth ed. The Wildl. Soc., Bethesda, Md.

Krebs, C. J. 1989. Ecological methodology. Harper & Row, Publ., New York. 654pp.

Wilson, E. O., and W. H. Bossert. 1971. A primer of population biology. Sinauer Assoc., Inc., Sunderland, Mass. 192pp.

Revised: 11 October 2004