WLF 448: Fish & Wildlife Population Ecology
Fall 2010

Problem Set #9 (Lab 9):


Distance Sampling

For this lab, you will present results from an analyses of line transect data on snowshoe hares in northern Idaho.  You will report on the effect of different treatments (i.e., control, fertilizer, mowing) on snowshoe hare densities in northern Idaho.  Use program DISTANCE to analyze these data in an appropriate fashion [i.e. stratify by treatment].

Fit the following detection functions: (1) Uniform (2) Exponential (3) Half-normal

**Note: be sure you tables and figures are presented (formatted) according to journal guidelines!!  Points will be taken off for incorrect formatting.

1.  Create a table listing the detection functions (including all 'adjustments') that were fit to the observed detection distances.  Sort this table according to AICc values [i.e., lowest AICc at top of table and highest AICc at bottom).  5 points

2.  Provide a figure of the AIC-best detection function fit to the histogram of observed detection distances. 5 points

3.  Create a table listing each treatment (i.e., control, fertilizer, and mowing) and provide (1) number of hares detected/observed, the estimated density, and (3) 95% confidence intervals for each density estimate.  In the table description, identify which detection function was used to obtain these estimates.  5 points

4.  Using information from confidence intervals, suggest whether or not there was a difference in hare density among treatments.  5 points


Revised: 19 October 2010