WLF 448: Fish & Wildlife Population Ecology
Fall 2011

Problem Set #10 (Lab 10):


Use the output generated during the in-class exercise to answer the following questions (see the lab notes for help/hints):

  1. How many individual animals were captured?  (1 point)

  2. How many animals were captured more than once?  (2 points)

  3. What percent of the animals caught on the fourth night were new captures (first time captures)?  (2 point)

  4. Which model did you use to estimate abundance?  Explain this model in your own words (assumptions of the model).  (3 points)

  5. Can you tell if the the population closed, based on the selected model?  Why or why not?  another Hint: page 66-67 of the Wildlife Monograph by Otis et al 1978 continually referred to in the CAPTURE program. (2 points)

  6. What is the estimated probability of capture at time 4 and at capture time 9?  Why are they different or should they be different?  Answer both questions and explain your answers.  (4 points)

  7. What is the estimated population size under the appropriate model?  What is the approximate 95% confidence interval for this estimate?  Answer both questions.  (2 points)

  8. Explain the difference between the model you choose for this assignment and M(b) and their assumptions in your own words.  (2 points)

Print out and turn in your CAPTURE output files.  (2 points)

Turn in the following (due next week):


Problem sets are due at the beginning of lab the following week.

Revised: 24 October 2011