WLF 448: Fish & Wildlife Population Ecology
Lecture Notes VI, Fall 1996

Hypothetical changes in a cohort of deer subjected to a constant annual removal of adult males:

Year Sex ratio Portion of cohort Total pre-hunt population 20% buck harvest 1.2 refined natality Total population Crude natality
Male Female Male Female Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 100:100 500 500 500 500 100 300 300 600 700 800 1500 0.50
2 87.5:100 467 533 700 800 140 480 480 960 1040 1280 2320 0.54
3 81.3:100 448 552 1040 1280 208 768 768 1536 1600 2048 3648 0.57
4 78.1:100 439 561 1600 2048 320 1224 1224 2448 2504 3272 5776 0.58

Return to Lecture Notes VI: Population Structure.


Updated 29 July 1996