Links to R Instruction & Resources, B Dennis' courses, University of Idaho


The free R language for statistical computing

Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)

          R introduction

          Using R

NIMBIOS' great introduction to R for biologists

UCDavis R introduction

Depanshu’s fantastic tutorials

Ruczinski’s nice R introduction

Scott’s excellent R introduction

Robinson’s terrific “IcebreakeR”

Kabacoff's great Quick-R website

King's extensive tutorials

Revolution Analytic's nice page of R resources
Computerworld's great list of 60+ R resources

R Graphics from the Center for Limnology, UW-Madison

Rstudio’s fabulous set of cheat sheets

R reference card



R: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Excellent series of tutorials

Two minute tutorials



Data analysis with R at Udacity

R programming at Coursera

Many more



Brian's new book, The R Student Companion  (Amazon link)


Return to Stat 251 website, or Stat 404 website, or Stat 431 website, or Stat/Math 452 website,

or Stat/Math 452EO website, or Wlf/Stat 555 website, or Wlf 552 website