Module 1, Homework 2

1) Use the ideas from the t test power program to look at the power of ANOVA in the following example: Suppose you have three groups, each with 7 observations, and the observations in each are normally distributed with variance 9. The mean of groups 1 and 2 are equal to 2. Find the power of the ANOVA F test to detect a difference when the mean of the third group is 3, 5, 7, and 9 - this yields four separate power values. Use 1000 iterations to estimate the power values.

2) This file contains information about six year college graduation rates at many U.S. Universities for several groups of student athletes. For conferences 1, 5, 7, and 23, calculate the mean conference 6 year graduation rates for both baseball and women's basketball. Present this information in the form handed out in class.