These data are taken from Chapter 9 of "Experimental Design: Procedures for the Behavioral Sciences" by Roger E. Kirk, Third Edition, Brooks/Cole Publishing, 1995. The data are from an experiment to examine police officer attitudes toward minority groups after taking a human relations course. Factor A is the type of patrol that an officer has: 1 is an 'upper class beat', 2 is a 'middle class beat', and 3 is an 'inner city beat'. Factor B is the number of hours of human relations training: 1 is 5 hours, 2 is 10 hours, and 3 is 15 hours. The response y is the attitude of the police officer toward minority groups following the human relations course. Analyze the data to confirm the results below, and examine plots of the data to understand the results and to assess the appropriateness of the analysis. Dependent Variable: y Sum of Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 8 2970.000000 371.250000 5.94 <.0001 Error 36 2250.000000 62.500000 Corrected Total 44 5220.000000 R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE y Mean 0.568966 22.58770 7.905694 35.00000 Source DF SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F a 2 190.000000 95.000000 1.52 0.2324 b 2 1543.333333 771.666667 12.35 <.0001 a*b 4 1236.666667 309.166667 4.95 0.0028