Poster Project Description - Statistics 507 - Fall 2013

Collect a research-type data set and analyze the data using methods that are covered in our Experimental Design course. You may use any of the experimental designs we discuss in class except completely randomized designs from Chapter 2. Your project is due in two parts. The first three sections of the project are due (via email or hardcopy) by lecture 23 (Friday, October 18), while the final posters will be displayed during dead week. Distance students will typically submit a Powerpoint file with slides that would have gone on a poster.Your poster should address the following issues: :

  1. The context of the experiment 
  2. Define the experimental design.
  3. Describe the population from which the subjects will be selected. Describe the sampling procedure and the random allocation of subjects to treatments.

    These first three sections (listed above) are due on lecture 23 (Friday, October 18).

  4. Describe the analysis of variance.
  5. Discuss the implications of your results for this field, and compare your results to other published results. (Most of this should follow from your results and the background information in part 1)

Special thanks to Dr. Bill Mickelson, whose Stat 401 Project Description I have borrowed and adapted to make this Project Description.