Take home problems for Exam 2


Please clearly separate your answers to these five questions


Movie ratings for 2018 were collected from IMDb.com and categorized according to two criteria: by time into the first or second half of the year, and by genre which was divided into comedy, action/adventure, and drama. The data are listed here.

Write one or more sentences summarizing your conclusions for each of the following problems. Your summary should allow a person to understand your results even if they do not know the software that you used (SAS, R, etc.). Attach key parts of the computer output (ANOVA table listing, plots, not all of the output) either alongside your written answers, or else in an appendix.


1.            Are the factors of time and genre fixed or random effects? Briefly explain.

2.            Assuming fixed effects, conduct an analysis of variance (fill out the ANOVA table, including sums of squares, mean squares, F statistic, and P value for each source. Be sure to include a line for total SS and df) to test the null hypotheses of equality of ratings by time of year, genre, and their interaction.

3.            If an interaction occurs, use graphical aids and/or further tests to help understand the interaction.

4.            Examine a residual by predicted plot and a normal plot of the residuals to assess model assumptions.

5.            For this problem will the Type I, Type II, and Type III sums of squares all be the same? If not, which of these is most appropriate? Briefly defend your choice.