Statistics 521 Homework #2 for discussion on Monday, February 9

1. Chapter 2, problem 2. In addition, rank the applicants using the variables G1 to G5 while i) giving twice the weight to the academic ability group as the other groups, and ii) giving twice the weight to the appearance group as the other groups. Present the top 6 candidates for each of the eight ranking schemes.

2. For the data set CITIES2.TXT on your data disk:

a. Produce a scatterplot matrix for the three temperature variables.

b. Create an Andrew's plot for the three temperature variables.

c. Create a multivariate normal probability plot for the three temperature variables.

d. Create a star plot for the three temperature variables.

Give a brief interpretation for each of these plots.

3. Chapter 4, problem 2, using SAS-IML.