This dataset came from the DASL section of STATLIB

Data description: This dataset contains information on six continuous dependent variables along with a single discrete variable SchoolType, which distinguishes between research universities and liberal arts institutions. Twenty-five of each type of school were surveyed. This study wants to determine if the school types differ across all six dependent variables simultaneously. That is, we want to know if there is a significant difference between research universities and liberal arts colleges in terms of these six factors. The more interesting question is: Among which dependent variables do the differences occur? To answer this question, we could perform six ANOVA analyses, one for each dependent variable, against the factor SchoolType. We want to find out which school type has the higher mean for these variables. The visual inspection of data indicate that liberal arts colleges have more students per $, which means that the universities spend more per student.

Description: These data were collected from the 25 top liberal arts colleges and the 25 top research universities. There are 50 cases on 8 variables.

Number of cases: 50
Variable Names:
1.School: Contains the name of each school
2.School_Type: Coded 'LibArts' for liberal arts and 'Univ' for university
3.SAT: Median combined Math and Verbal SAT score of students
4.Acceptance: % of applicants accepted
5.$/Student: Money spent per student in dollars
6.Top 10%: % of students in the top 10% of their h.s. graduating class
7.%PhD: % of faculty at the institution that have PhD degrees
8.Grad%: % of students at institution who eventually graduate

Here is an example observation:

Amherst LibArts 1315 22 26636 85 81 93