data <- matrix(scan(),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE) 1790 3929214 1800 5308483 1810 7239881 1820 9638453 1830 12860702 1840 17063353 1850 23191876 1860 31443321 1870 38558371 1880 50189209 1890 62979766 1900 76212168 1910 92228496 1920 106021537 1930 123202624 1940 132164569 1950 151325798 1960 179323175 1970 203302031 1980 226542199 1990 248709873 2000 281421906 data nonlin1 <- data.frame(data) colnames(nonlin1) <- c("year","population") rm(data) nonlin1$popmill <- nonlin1$population/1000000 nonlin1$tyear <- (nonlin1$year -1790)/10 # create a function to contain the model and derivatives popfct <- function(b1,b2,b3,x) { model.func <- b1/(1 +exp(b2 +b3*x)) derb1 <- 1/(1 +exp(b2 +b3*x)) derb2 <- -b1*exp(b2 +b3*x)/(1 +exp(b2 +b3*x))^2 derb3 <- -b1*x*exp(b2 +b3*x)/(1 +exp(b2 +b3*x))^2 grad.func <- cbind(derb1,derb2,derb3) attr(model.func, "gradient") <- grad.func model.func } popnls <- nls(popmill ~ popfct(b1,b2,b3,tyear), data=nonlin1, start=list(b1=350,b2=4.5,b3=-0.3), trace=T ) summary(popnls) # plot of residuals and observed values plot(nonlin1$tyear,fitted(popnls),pch="p") points(nonlin1$tyear,nonlin1$popmill,pch="a") # plot of residuals by predicted values plot(fitted(popnls),residuals(popnls)) # qq plot of residuals qqnorm(residuals(popnls)) qqline(residuals(popnls))