The History of Landscape Architecture - LArch 389

I have taught the The History of Landscape Architecture course since 1991. I have taken this course through dramatic changes since the first year. I created an entirely new dedagogy for the course in order to improve learning at the higher cognitiv e levels and to make the course more enjoyable for the students.

The course is based on application workshop and interactive computer tutorials. A full discussion of the course is available in "Active Learning and the History of Landscape Architecture" which will be published in Landscape Journal in 1997.

The image below is from one of the workshop sessions. Before attending the workshop, the students acquire the theoretical, and chronological information as well as the images of projects in the interactive tutorial. They answer a number of questions desi gned to focus their attention on important historical design issues. In the 2 hour workshop, the students are asked to apply the concepts and forms of a historical period to a problem. The image below was in response to a request for an estate garden in the tr adition of William Kent. The garden therefore, would contain elements of both the English Renaissance and the emerging English Landscape Design School.

Here are two other examples of workshop products. The first is based on the rural Italian villas of ancient Rome. The second is based on the town planning concepts of Ebeneezer Howard and the Garden City Movement.


To review an internet version of a tutorial, review the prototype for the internet course on the History of Landscape Architecture. A tutorial on the landscape architecture of ancient japan is available for your review. The internet is not as powerful or flexible for interactive learning but its capabilities are growing. I will migrate all of the history course tutorials to the internet by June 1997.