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An automated iterative search strategy under maximum likelihood.

If you want to use TreeConverge to conduct an automated iterative ML searched, please cite: Sullivan, J. Sullivan, J., Z. Abdo, P. Joyce, and D. L. Swofford. 2005. Evaluating the performance of a successive-approximations approach to parameter optimization in maximum-likelihood phylogeny estimation. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 22:1386-1392. (Download a PDF).

Download User's Manual

You'll need to install Perl to run the script. If you have a Mac and are running OS X, you're all set.

Using topology and branch lengths in assessing convergence:

TreeConverge script (Save as a text file called

Initial tree generation (Save as a text file called Model_Command_Initial_Tree.)

Code for TreeConverge (Save as a text file called Model_Command_Iter_Trees.)

Using Symmetric-Difference Distance to determine convergence

TreeConvergeSDD (Save as a text file called

Download library

Initial tree generation (Save as a text file called Model_Command_Initial_Tree.)

Code for TreeConverge (Save as a text file called Model_Command_Iter_Trees.)