Contrast: you get many opportunities to get it right, via accumulated “karma” and “reincarnation” into a higher or lower state of being (as in Hinduism and Buddhism)

there is “sin” and “evil” in the world:

given the condition of “original sin,” either eternal salvation in “heaven,” or damnation in “hell” await you on “judgment day” (as in Christianity)

you are a member of a “chosen people,” adhering to God’s will, with “sin” an issue of committing “mistakes” (as in Judaism)

you seek submission to God’s will, with “sin” an issue of “forgetting,” awaiting a “judgment day” (as in Islam)

“proselytizing,” enforce adherence to one’s religious orientation via “witnessing,” education, or even threat of actual corporal punishment, imprisonment, or killing. 

All these orientations are alien to Indigenous peoples 

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