The Indigenous, in Us All

ISEM 101 Section 3

Learning Outcomes


Learning Outcomes:  There are five learning outcomes sought in the Sacred Journey seminar, each of which is linked to the appropriate Learning Outcomes of  the University of Idaho and this ISEM 101 Integrated Seminar.   When you reach the summit of your pilgrimage (at the end of the semester), you should be better competent to apply the following skills and understandings.  These learning outcomes are in turn linked to the learning activities of this seminar and your assessment grading rubrics.  These are among the huckleberries awaiting to be picked and put into your basket, and at some point down your path, pulled out to serve others.   The five Seminar Learning Outcomes are (listing the University Learning Outcomes followed by the indented Sacred Journey Learning Outcomes):

1.  University: LEARN and INTEGRATE – Learn through independent self and collaborative study, using the multi-disciplinary methodologies of the humanities and social sciences, to integrate diverse information through these disciplines.

ISEM 101: Distinguish Differing Disciplinary Approaches, and Applying a Multidisciplinary Interpretative Method ("Eye Juggling").  You will gain an academic methodology based upon the disciplines of humanities and social sciences for interpreting, appreciating, and understanding differing ways of viewing and knowing the religions of the world, and of expressing divergent cultural, religious, and aesthetic values.  As an interpretative method you will gain an ability to develop your skills in reflexivity and reflectivity, as well as the skills to reflect upon, think critically and creatively, and integrate information across diverse disciplines and varied points of view. 

2. University: THINK and CREATE - Use multiple thinking strategies, such as critical, reflective, creative and/or interpretative thinking, to understand and examine real-world human community issues, explore original avenues of expression, solve problems, and make consequential decisions.

ISEM 101: Understanding and an Appreciation of Human Diversity as well as our Shared Humanity. By studying the depth and richness of Indigenous communities, along with their quintessential teachings, as well as their cultural, aesthetic (art and architecture), literary, religious and philosophical expressions, you will gain a heightened understanding of and appreciation for the many diverse communities of throughout the world,.  Each community is to be appreciated for its special uniqueness and individuality, yet there will be thread of shared humanity, of what is universal in our diverse experiences.  We will attempt to view the world from the perspectives of those we study.  Using the example of Indigenous knowledge, you will be able to explore creative ways to address and problem-solve real-world challenges.

3.  University: COMMUNICATE – Through various sources of information, including library research, acquire, articulate, create and convey intended meaning using verbal and non-verbal methods of communication that demonstrates respect and understanding in complex and diverse human communities.

ISEM 101: Improve Oral and Written Communication Skills.  You will enhance your skills in computer use, in note-taking abilities, actively listening and reading, develop a working knowledge of university library resources, and develop successful time management.  You will enhance your skills in conveying ideas coherently and effectively in written and oral forms, including storytelling, develop interpersonal skills including participating in class discussions, posing thoughtful questions, listening and responding to others, and accomplish tasks through group collaborative work.   You will also enhance your ability to effectively gather data from a variety of sources, e.g., texts, public documents, interviews, panels, surveys observation, internet sites, to support your oral and written arguments and ideas. 

4.  University: CLARIFY PURPOSE and PERSPECTIVE – Explore one’s life purpose and meaning through skills of reflexivity and transformational experiences that foster an understanding of self in relationships to diverse local, regional and/or global human communities and perspectives.

ISEM 101: Understanding and an Appreciation of Your Own Spiritual/Philosophical/Cultural Background in Relationship to Global Community.  By juxtaposing that which is culturally and religiously distinct alongside that which is immediate though often veiled, the contours of the landscape of one’s own cultural and religious world view and values becomes clearer.  You will better be able to understand yourself in relation to the many “strangers” in our global community.  You will gain a heightened understanding of your own unique worldview, as well as realize the common threads of our shared and universal humanity, within our global communities. 

5.   University: PRACTICE CITIZENSHEP – Apply principles of ethical leadership, collaborative engagement, socially responsible behavior, respect for diversity in an interdependent world, and a service-oriented commitment to advance and sustain local and/or global human communities.   Apply your education in the service of others to “make a difference.”

ISEM 101: Foster a Respect and Ability to Collaborate with Diverse Others. In our culturally and religiously pluralistic world it is critical that we develop a tolerance of and respect for the varied communities of other peoples.  An appreciation and understanding of the varied communities in this course is an essential first step in facilitating a heightened ability to effectively communicate, cooperate, and collaborate with those who may differ from us.  It is an essential to our ability to "give back" and help others.  In this seminar, you will also develop your ability in respecting as well as your skills in civic engagement and collaborating with diverse communities, as developed pedagogically within the seminar.   

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