The Paradox (or two or three)!  

the Buddha's First Response

best represented and advocated in Mahayana Buddhism


The Buddha responds, for the un-enlightened, un-awakened, the yana, the ferryboat has a critical and essential role and purpose, to help teach and communicate the Dharma and journey across the river of life.  But once across, would you continue to carry such a heavy boat on your back?



"person" - skandas = aggregate bundle of forms, sensations, perceptions, predispositions, and consciousness - "mind"  -  "skeins that hang together as loosely as yarn" 

that as you go through samsara and the series of bardos, you get reassembled - like "clouds" - until eventually extinguished





Nirvana - "blowing out," "cooling," "extinguishing" passions, desires, attachments

it is certainly not a "place," nor a state of "being" you enter when you die,  Not void

it is not, as Westerns often think, "death" (which is itself not a permanent state, given possibility of re-birth)  



WHAT    ???



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