The Sacred Journey:
Religions of the World

Core Discovery Course 166

Learning Outcomes


Several learning outcomes are sought in this seminar, each of which is linked to the appropriate Learning Outcomes of the University of Idaho.   Not all University Learning Outcomes will be addressed in this seminar.  When you reach the summit of your pilgrimage (as the end of the semester), you should be better competent to apply the following skills and understandings, and address the gquestions we posed at the start of the seminar.

A.  Learning Objectives Specific to this Course:

1. Religious Diversity. You will gain a heightened understanding of and appreciation for the many of the great religious traditions of the world, along with their quintessential teachings and truths, as well as their cultural, aesthetic (art and architecture), literary, and philosophical expressions. Each religious tradition is to be appreciated for its special uniqueness and individuality.  We will attempt to view the world from the perspectives of those we study.  University Learning Outcome 1. Learn and Integrate. 

2. Your Own, as well as Our Shared Religiosity. By juxtaposing that which is culturally and religiously distinct along side that which is immediate though often veiled, the contours of the landscape of one’s own culture and religious world view becomes clearer. You will gain a heightened understanding of your own unique cultural traditions and religious world view, as well as realize the common threads of our shared humanity and religiosity, as well as sacred truths transcending our cultural and religious differences.  University Learning Outcomes 1. Learn and Integrate.  4. Clarify Purpose and Perspective.

3. Application - Cooperating with Others. In our religiously pluralistic world it is critical that we develop a tolerance of and respect for the varied religions of other peoples. An appreciation and understanding of the varied religious traditions in this course is an essential first step in facilitating an heightened ability to effectively communicate, cooperate, and collaborate with those who may differ from ourselves.  University Learning Outcomes 3. Communicate.  4. Clarify Purpose and Perspective.  5 Practice Citizenship.

4. Application - Serving Others.  You will explore within yourself and articulate how you are going apply the knowledge and skills gained from this course to "make a difference" and provide a positive contribution to the quality of life of others within your own family and community.  University Learning Outcomes 3. Communicate.  4. Clarify Purpose and Perspective.  5 Practice Citizenship.

5. Interpretative Method of "Eye Juggling."  You will gain an academic methodology for interpreting, appreciating, and understanding differing ways of seeing and knowing the religions of the world, and of expressing divergent cultural, religious, and aesthetic values.  As an interpretative method you will gain an ability to develop your skills in reflexivity and reflectivity.   University Learning Outcomes 2. Think and create.  3. Communicate.

B.  Learning Objectives Shared in All Core Discovery Courses:

1. Academic Skills.

2. Communication Skills.

3. Critical Thinking Skills

4. Methods of Inquiry.

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