


Flag of Denmark, the oldest continually used national flag.  The Raising of the Flag at the Battle of Iwo Jima, WWII.



Early Swedish Stirrup and a Sixth Century Clay Horse with Stirrups.  The first stirrup was likely first used in India around 600 BCE.


The Siege of Baghdad by the Mongols 1258.  With the Mongolian Invasions of Eastern Europe, the stirrup was introduced to European society.


15cent battle

And with the stirrup, European warfare took on a new dimension, as illustrated in this fifteenth century (mid-1400s) battle scene.  


With the Age of Chivalry and Jousting, standardized insignias were attached to the lances of the knights, to differentiate one camp from another, and, in turn, help identify the rival armies as they were led by the knights into battle. 


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