Northwest Coast

Kwakiutl Village, ca. 1880s

The materials on this page are intended for use by students enrolled in CORE 116-56 The Sacred Journey and ANTH 329 North American Indians. This page and its references are periodically up-dated.


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Adams, John

1973 The Gitksan Potlatch: Population Flux, Resource Ownership and Reciprocity. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Adamson, Thelma

1934. Folk-Tales of the Coast Salish. Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society, XXVII.

Andrade, Manuel.

1931. Quileute Texts. Columbia University Contributions to Anthropology XII.

Bierwert, Crisca

1999 Brushed by Cedar, Living by the River: Coast Salish Figures of Power. University of Arizona.

Boas, Franz

1902 Tsimshian Texts. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 27. Smithsonian Institution.

1909-10 Tsimshian Mythology. Bureau of American Ethnology, 31st Annual Report. Smithsonian Institution.

1910 Kwakuitl Tales. Columbia University Contributions to Anthropology, volume 2.

1930 Religion of the Kwakuitl Indians. Columbia University Press.

1932 Bella Bella Tales. Memoirs of the American Folklore Society, Volume 52.

Boas, Franz and George Hunt

1905 Kwakuitl Texts. Jesup North Pacific Expedition, volume 3.

1906 Kwakuitl Texts - Second Series. Jesup North Pacific Expedition, volume 10.

Boas, Franz, and edited by Helen Codere

1966 Kwakuitl Ethnography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Cote, Charlotte

2010  Spirits of Our Whaling Ancestors: Revitalizing Makah and Nuu-chah-nulth Traditions.  Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Erikson, Priece, with Helma Ward and Kirk Wachendorf

2002  Voices of a Thousand People: The Makah Culture and Research Center.  Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press. 

Emmons, George Thronton, edited with additions by Frederica de Laguna

1991  The Tlingit Indians.  Seattle and London: University of Washington Press and American Museum of Natural History.

Linda Goodman and Helma Swan

2003  Singing the Songs of My Ancestors: The Life and Music of Helma Swan, Makah Elder.  Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.

Goldman, Irving

1975 The Mouth of Heaven: An Introduction to Kwakuitl Religious Thought. John Wiley.

Holm, Bill

1965 Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of Form. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Jacobs, Melville

1958 The Content and Style of an Oral Literature: Clackamas Chinook Myths and Tales. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

1958-59 Clackamas Chinook Texts, Part 1 and 2. Indiana University Press.

Malin, Edward

1986  Totem Poles of the Pacific Northwest Coast.  Portland: Timber Press.

McMillan, Alan D. 

2000  Since the Time of the Transformers: The Ancient Heritage of the Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Ditidaht, and Makah.  University  of British Columbia Press.

Miller, Jay.

1992. Earthmaker. Tribal Stories from Native North America. New York: Perigee Books.

Seaburg, William and Pamela Amoss, edited

2000 Badger and Coyote were neighbors: Melville Jacobs on Northwest Indian  Myth and Tales.  Seattle and London: University of Washington Press.

Stetlzer, Ulli

1984 A Haida Potlatch. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Suttlers, Wayne, ed.

1978 Handbook of North American Indians, Northwest Coast. Vol. 7. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press.

Wright, Robin

2001  Northern Haida Master Carvers.  Seattle and London: University of Washington Press.


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