Family Memberships 

ANTH 329  Fall 2017   Updated: 24 August

For each family, select two head people, if possible, a headman and headwoman.  It will be their responsibility to communicate with fellow family members and help coordinate meetings.  As headman and headwoman their leadership is based upon building consensus among all members, leading by example, and assuming an advisory and not an authoritarian role.  Review the Plains Indian Family as a model for interacting in these families.

As with any Indian family, membership is dynamic and can be re-aligned.  At anytime during the semester, you may elect to change your family membership affiliation - joining another family, starting your own new family, or heading out alone, to travel the territory of this course as an individual.   Just let the instructor know.

See Learning Activities for Family-related activities.  They entail group work in storytelling, in participatory-interpretative project and in the exams.

Meet Regularly.  It is imperative that your family meet together on a regular, preferred weekly basis, throughout the semester.   To the extent your family cohesion and role playing are solidified, so too will your grade in this course.  For purposes of the Story Telling activity (Activity #1), Participatory Project (Activity #2), and In the Round Oral Recitations (Activity #3), you will need to meet at a time outside of class time to gather regularly.  Arrange a time convenient for all.

For the names of our families, we'll use Apsáalooke and Diné Place-Names.  Learn the pronunciation, as well as any oral traditions and/or historical significance connected with your family's name.



Apsáalooke – Crow

Alúutalaho  “where there are many arrows” – Pryor Gap

?? (head person), Maison Abraham, Kristen Klupenger, Chloe O'Neill, Danielle Harlan

Awakkulaasáau  “home of dwarfs” – Castle Rock

?? (head person) John Campbell, Aleesea Ena, Cody Frei, Darinkka Rojas

Basawaxaaúua  “our mountains” – Big Horn Mountains

?? (head person) Allison Taylor, Mitch Mortensen, Taylor Ransom, Bri Ruiz, Miki Waters

Cheétiish  “wolf’s teeth” – Wolf Mountains

?? (head person), Camille Hanson, Alek Tollefson, Bella Villapando, Bryan Barrett

Iichíilikaashaashe  “elk river” – Yellowstone River

(optional family)

Aashbatshua  “mean river” – Little Big Horn River

(optional family)

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