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Qualitative Ethnographic Research Methods

ANTH/SOC 416  ANTH 516 - Spring 2018

Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes


Course Objectives:  Several learning outcomes are sought in this course, each of which is linked to the appropriate Learning Outcomes of  the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and the University of Idaho.   Not all Departmental and University Learning Outcomes will be addressed in this course.

    1.  Ethical Issues. Gaining a heightened awareness of the ethical considerations in conducting research with human populations and presenting that research to the public.

    Departmental Learning Outcome 3. Engagement: Citizenship, Social critique, Social justice

    University Learning Outcome 5.  Practice Citizenship

    2.  Thinking Skills. Enhancing one’s reflective, reflexive, creative, interpretative, evaluative, critical, and analytical thinking skills.  Part of this skill is understanding who you are and your relationship to those you engage through research.

    Departmental Learning Outcome 2. Application: Thinking and Creating

    University Learning Outcome 2. Think and Create, and 4. Clarify Purpose and Perspective

    3.  Date Gathering Tools. Comprehending the parameters of proper research design and gaining an ability to effectively apply a variety of ethnographic and/or historical archaeological, qualitative-based data gathering tools, such as interviewing, participant observation, and historic architectural analysis.

    Departmental Learning Outcome 2. Application: Thinking and Creating

    University Learning Outcome 1. Learn and Integrate, and 3. Communicate  

    4.  Writing and Presentation Skills. Enhancing one’s skills in interpretation, explanation, and experimentation through writing, oral presentation, various multi-media modes, and in a classroom setting.

    Departmental Learning Outcome 2. Application: Communication

    University Learning Outcome 3. Communicate  

    5.  Collaboration. Developing an ability to conduct collaboratively designed and executed partnership-based endeavors.

    Departmental Learning Outcome 2. Application: Thinking and Creating, and Communicating

    University Learning Outcome 1. Learn and Integrate, and 5. Practice Citizenship

    6.  Multi-Cultural Appreciation. Enhancing one’s ability to understand and appreciate another cultural perspective, be it ethnic, religious, class, gender, or sexual preference based.

    Departmental Learning Outcome 1. Comprehension: Diversity and Inequality, Process and Connecting

    University Learning Outcome 1. Learn and Integrate

    7.  Civic Responsibility. Enhancing an understanding in the value of doing applied, projects, and making a positive contribution to a community’s quality of life.

    Departmental Learning Outcome 3. Engagement: Citizenship, Social critique, Social justice

    University Learning Outcome 5. Practice Citizenship.

    University of Idaho Learning Outcomes:

    1. Learn and integrate Through independent learning and collaborative study, attain, use, and develop knowledge in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences, with disciplinary specialization and the ability to integrate information across disciplines.

    2. Think and create Use multiple thinking strategies to examine real-world issues, explore creative avenues of expression, solve problems, and make consequential decisions

    3. CommunicateAcquire, articulate, create and convey intended meaning using verbal and non-verbal methods of communication that demonstrate respect and understanding in a complex society.

    4. Clarify purpose and perspective Explore one’s life purpose and meaning through transformational experiences that foster an understanding of self, relationships, and diverse global perspectives.

    5. Practice citizenship Apply principles of ethical leadership, collaborative engagement, socially responsible behavior, respect for diversity in an interdependent world, and a service-oriented commitment to advance and sustain local and global communities.