Stephan Flores

Selected Theory/Narrative Theory available in PDFs in folder on Bblearn

Gladstone, Jason and Daniel Worden. “Introduction: Postmodernism, Then.” Twentieth-Century Literature 57:3-4 (Fall/Winter 2011): 291-308.

Adams, Rachel. “The Ends of America, the Ends of Postmodernism.” Twentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal 53.3 (Fall, 2007): 248-272.

Hoberek, Andrew. “After Postmodernism: Form and History in Contemporary American Fiction” Twentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal 53.3 (Fall, 2007): 233-247.

Hungerford, Amy. “On the Period Formerly Known as Contemporary.” American Literary History 20:1-2 (2008): 410-419.

Hutner, Gordon. “Historicizing the Contemporary: A Response to Amy Hungerford.” American Literary History 20:1-2 (2008): 420-424.

Sinfield, Alan. "Literature and Cultural Production."

Waugh, Patricia. "Postmodern Fiction and the Rise of Critical Theory."(Blackwell, 2005)

Cobley, Paul. Narrative, Ch. 1 (2001)

Currie, Mark. Postmodern Narrative Theory, Second ed. (2011) [Introduction]

Fludernik, Monika. "Histories of Narrative Theory (II): From Structuralism to the Present" (2005)

McHale, Brian. "Ghosts and Monsters: On the (Im)possibility on Narrating the History of Narrative Theory" (2005)

Wilde, Alan. "Irony in the Postmodern Age: Toward a Map of Suspensiveness." (1980)

Cobley, Paul. Narrative, Ch. 7 Postmodernism (2001)

Cobley, Paul. Narrative, [conclusion, plus glossary] (2001)

Royle, Nicholas. "Even the Title: On the State of Narrative Theory Today." (2014)

"Introduction" to Postclassical Narratology, eds. Jan Alber and Monika Fludernik (2010)

Bernini, Marco. "Supersizing Narrative Theory: On Intention, Material Agency, and Extended Mind-Workers." Style 48.3 (2014): 349-366.

Bhabha, Homi K. "Introduction: narrating the nation" (1990)

Bhabha, Homi K. "DissemiNation: time, narrative, and the margins of the modern nation"" (1990)