Eliza Haywood—selected bibliography and resources.     S. Flores

See esp. these first two sites that include study guides to Fantomina (by Willliam Warner and Laura Runge):



Merritt, Juliette.  Beyond Spectacle: Eliza Haywood’s Female Spectators.  Toronto: U Toronto P, 2004. See esp. chapter two, “Peepers, Picts, and Female Masquerade: Performances of the Female Gaze in Fantomina; or, Love in a Maze” 45-72, notes on 129-133. on library reserve

Croskery, Margaret Case.  “Masquing Desire: The Politics of Passion in Eliza Haywood’s Fantomina.”  The Passionate Fictions of Eliza Haywood: Essays on Her Life and Work.  Eds. Kirsten T. Saxton; Rebecca P. Bocchicchio.  Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2000.  69-94. on library reserve

Mowry, Melissa.  “Eliza Haywood's Defense of London's Body Politic.”  SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 43.3 (Summer, 2003): 645-665

Warner, William B. “The Elevation of the Novel in England: Hegemony and Literary History.” ELH Vol. 59.3 (Autumn, 1992): 577-596
Stable URL: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0013-8304%28199223%2959%3A3%3C577%3ATEOTNI%3E2.0.CO%3B2-M

Potter, Tiffany.  “The Language of Feminised Sexuality: gendered voice in Eliza Haywood's Love in Excess and Fantomina.” Women's Writing, 10.1 (March 2003) p169, 18p

Craft-Fairchild, Catherine.  Masquerade and Gender: Disguise and Female Identity in Eighteenth-Century Fictions by Women.  University Park: Pennsylvania State UP, 1993. See esp. ch. 3 “Eliza Haywood and the Masquerade of Femininity”—Fantomina is analyzed on pp. 61-68. class handout

Additional bibliography (July 2005):