Excerpt from David Richter’s bibliography on Moll Flanders as well as additional bib. on Moll Flanders

 Bell, Ian A.  "Narrators and Narrative in Defoe."  Novel: A Forum on Fiction 18:2 (Winter, 1985), 154-172.

Chaber, Lois A.  "Matriarchal Mirror: Women and Capital in Moll Flanders."  PMLA 97:2 (March, 1982),  212-226.  Reprinted in Critical Essays on Daniel Defoe.  Ed. Roger D. Lund.  New York: G. K. Hall, 1997.  181-201. on library reserve

Pollak, Ellen. "Moll Flanders, Incest, and the Structure of Exchange." The Eighteenth-Century: Theory and Interpretation 30:1 (Spring 1989): 3-21. Reprinted in Critical Essays on Daniel Defoe.  Ed. Roger D. Lund.  New York: G. K. Hall, 1997.  202-217. on library reserve

Ganz, Melissa J.  “Moll Flanders and English Marriage Law.” Eighteenth Century Fiction, Jan2005, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p157-182, 26p;

Swaminathan, Srividhya.  “Defoe’s Alternative Conduct Manual: Survival Strategies and Female Networks in Moll Flanders.”  Eighteenth-Century Fiction 15.2 (Jan. 2003): 185-206.

Swan, Beth.  “Moll Flanders: The Felon as Lawyer.” Eighteenth-Century Fiction 11.1 (Oct. 1998): 33-48

Richetti, John. "The Novel and Society: The Case of Daniel Defoe." in Uphaus, Robert W. (ed.). The Idea of the Novel in the Eighteenth Century. East Lansing, MI : Colleagues, 1988.  Pp. 47-66.  Reprinted in Critical Essays on Daniel Defoe.  Ed. Roger D. Lund.  New York: G. K. Hall, 1997.  121-138.

Yahav-Brown, Amit.  “At Home in England, or Projecting Liberal Citizenship in Moll Flanders.” Novel: A Forum on Fiction, Fall2001, Vol. 35, Issue 1 search for this online from a campus computer via JSTOR or . . .

Olsen, Thomas Grant.  “Reading and Righting Moll Flanders.” SEL: Studies in English Literature (Johns Hopkins), Summer2001, Vol. 41 Issue 3, p467, 15p

Kibbie, Ann Louise.  “Monstrous generation: The birth of capital in Defoe's Moll Flanders and Roxana.”  PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, Oct95, Vol. 110 Issue 5, p1023, 12p—search for this online from a campus computer via JSTOR or . . .

Kay, Carol.  Political Constructions: Defoe, Richardson, and Sterne in Relation to Hobbes, Hume, and Burke.  Ithaca and London: Cornell UP, 1988.  see pp.93-119 on Moll Flanders—this book on library reserve

Thinking Parables: What Moll Flanders Does Not Say
Steven C. Michael
ELH > Vol. 63, No. 2 (Summer, 1996), pp. 367-395

“Holes in the Heart: Moll Flanders, Roxana, and ‘Agreeable Crime’”
Gary Hentzi
boundary 2 > Vol. 18, No. 1 (Spring, 1991), pp. 174-200

Flynn, Carol Houlihan.  "Defoe's Idea of Conduct: Ideological Fictions and Fictional Reality." Pp. 73-95 in Armstrong, Nancy and Leonard Tennenhouse, eds., The Ideology of Conduct: Essays on Literature and the History of Sexuality. New York : Methuen, 1987.

Hentzi, Gary.  "Holes in the Heart: Moll Flanders, Roxana, and 'Agreeable Crime.'" Boundary 2 18:1 (Spring 1991): 174-200.

Hunter, J. Paul.  "Novels and 'the Novel': The Poetics of Embarrassment."  Modern Philology 85:4 (May 1988) 480-498.

Kahn, Madeleine.  Narrative Transvestism: Rhetoric and Gender in the Eighteenth-Century English Novel.  Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991.

Langford, Larry L. "Retelling Moll's Story: The Editor's Preface to Moll Flanders."  Journal of Narrative Technique 22:3 (Fall 1992): 164-79.

Novak, Maximillian E.  Economics and the Fiction of Defoe.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 1962.

-----. "Sincerity, Delusion, and Character in the Fiction of Defoe and the 'Sincerity Crisis' of His Time; Essays in Honor of Irvin Ehrenpreis.  Pp. 109-126 in Douglas Patey and Timothy Keegan, eds., Augustan Studies. Newark: U of Delaware P, 1985.

O'Neill, John H.  "The Experience of Error: Ironic Entrapment in Augustan Narrative Satire."  Papers on Language and Literature, 18:3 (Summer, 1982), 278-290.

Richetti, John.  "The Family, Sex, and Marriage in Defoe's Moll Flanders and Roxana."  Studies in the Literary Imagination 15:2 (Fall, 1982), 19-35.

Rietz, John. "Criminal Ms-Representation: Moll Flanders and Female Criminal Biography."  Studies in the Novel 23:2 (Summer 1991): 183-95.

 Scheuermann, Mona.  "Women and Money in Eighteenth-Century Fiction."  Studies in the Novel 19:3 (Fall 1987), 311-322.

 Starr, G.A.  Defoe and Spiritual Autobiography.  Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971.

Richetti, John J.  Defoe’s Narratives: Situations and Structures.  Oxford: Clarendon P, 1975.  See ch. 4 “Moll Flanders: The Dialectic of Power.”