data <- matrix(scan(),ncol=3,byrow=TRUE) 1 1 106 1 1 108 1 2 93 1 2 101 1 2 98 1 3 56 2 1 107 2 1 110 2 1 116 2 2 63 2 2 60 2 3 40 2 3 41 2 3 44 data UnbalConcrete <- data.frame(data) colnames(UnbalConcrete) <- c("aggregate","compaction","strength") UnbalConcrete$aggregate <- as.factor(UnbalConcrete$aggregate) UnbalConcrete$compaction <- as.factor(UnbalConcrete$compaction) rm(data) levels(UnbalConcrete$aggregate) <- c("Basalt","Silicious") levels(UnbalConcrete$compaction) <- c("Regular","Low","VeryLow") UnbalConcrete # change contrast options before fitting models, this way Type III SS # from the car package will agree with output from SAS options(contrasts=c(unordered="contr.sum", ordered="contr.poly")) # the anova function applied to an lm object calculates Type I SS unbal.lm <- lm(strength ~ aggregate + compaction + aggregate:compaction, data = UnbalConcrete) anova(unbal.lm) # the car package contains a function 'Anova' that can calculate Type II or Type III SS # it calculates Type II SS by default library(car) # this produces the results using Type II SS Anova(lm(strength ~ aggregate + compaction + aggregate:compaction, data = UnbalConcrete),type="II") # this produces the results using Type III SS Anova(lm(strength ~ aggregate + compaction + aggregate:compaction, data = UnbalConcrete),type="III") # the Type III SS produced by using the type="III" argument do not match SAS results unless # the 'options' statement above is used to change contrast options library(phia) # interactionMeans gives least squares means interactionMeans(unbal.lm,factors="aggregate") interactionMeans(unbal.lm,factors="compaction") interactionMeans(unbal.lm) # We can use the afex package to obtain least squares means. # In the afex package, there are three ANOVA functions, here we # use the aov_ez function. # The aov_ez function is a bit particular in that it requires a # separate id column in the data set. In code below, we create # an identity column before calling the aov_ez function. library(afex) UnbalConcrete$id <- rownames(UnbalConcrete) Unbalconc.afex1 <- aov_ez(id="id",dv="strength",data=UnbalConcrete,between=c("aggregate","compaction")) summary(Unbalconc.afex1) nice(Unbalconc.afex1) library(emmeans) emmeans(Unbalconc.afex1, ~aggregate) emmeans(Unbalconc.afex1, ~compaction)